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City Heights Residence Halls | David Lauer

Continuing Education

Continuation Education and Tracking Tools

Helping you stay at the forefront of changes to the profession with ample continuing education and tracking tools.

AIA Colorado offers a variety of options to help fulfill continuing education requirements sanctioned by the State of Colorado and required for AIA membership. What’s more, we offer a wide range of program formats—from conferences, lectures and workshops to seminars, online courses, self-study, and more—you’re sure to find courses that will help you develop your expertise and serve your clients most effectively.

For our entire list of programs and events, view our calendar. Or, take a look at AIAU, where you can choose from more than 150 online courses for every specialty.

For a direct link to your personal AIA member transcript as currently reported, visit aia.org/career-growth/transcript.

Allied Member Courses

Visit our AIA Colorado Allied member directory for a list of Colorado allied members who are also AIA CES registered providers. We welcome you to inquire directly with them about their options for tailored presentations held at your firm. (If you landed on this page and want to know how your firm can become an AIA CES registered provider, go here.)

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The Gunnison County Library | LaCasse Photography

AIA & State Requirements for Continuing Education

Members are required to earn 18 Learning Units (LU) per calendar year. Of those 18 LU, 12 must be Health, Safety, Welfare (HSW). A member who exceeds the annual requirement may carry up to 18 LU hours (including 12 hours of HSW) over to the following calendar year. You will also need to complete continuing education requirements to renew your state of Colorado license(s).

AIA Requirements

AIA measures continuing education in Learning Units (LUs). One hour of continuing education earns one LU. AIA Architect members are required to complete 18 LUs from registered AIA/CES providers each year. Of the 18 LUs, 12 must be in the topic areas of health, safety and welfare (HSW).
Click here for more details

State of Colorado Requirements

All licensed architects in the State of Colorado are required to obtain 12.0 Health, Safety, Welfare (HSW) Continuing Education Hours per calendar year, for a total of 24 HSW hours per two-year license renewal period.

Carryover of hours between calendar years is not permitted, per the State of Colorado continuing education requirements. License renewal applications are due October 31 every other year in odd-numbered years, however you have the full calendar year to complete your 12 hours of required continuing education.

Colorado requires that you retain records of your completed hours. If you are audited by the State, you must provide proof that you have complied with the continuing education requirements outlined in the AES Bylaws and Rules and you will be required to submit completed documentation for each course showing that you retained the material presented. Proof of retention has been defined by the Board as proof of exam, quiz or test scores or the Board’s Continuing Education Structured Report Form. See Board Rule

TIP – AIA members, login to aia.org and click on each completed course named in your CE transcript for a course description to help you fill out required information on the Continuing Education Structured Report Form. Have questions? Visit the State Board of Licensure’s FAQ page or the AES Bylaws and Rules, Section 4.9.3. You can also view this DORA presentation, which gives an overview of Board Rule 4.9.3.

AIA vs. State of Colorado Requirements

Number of Credits Required per Calendar Year

AIA Membership Requirements: 18 Learning Units (LU) (12 HSW LU + 6 LU)

CO Architect License Requirements: 12 HSW Continuing Education Hours (CEH) defined in the Board Rules document

Renewal Period Expiration

AIA Membership Requirements: Dec. 31 of each year (membership)

CO Architect License Requirements: Oct. 31 of each odd numbered year (license)

Time Period to Earn CEH

AIA Membership Requirements: Per Calendar Year

CO Architect License Requirements: Per Calendar Year

Carry Over

AIA Membership Requirements: Up to 18 CEH/12 HSW

CO Architect License Requirements: None


AIA Membership Requirements: Refer to the AIA CES Member FAQ’s for more information.

CO Architect License Requirements: Refer to Board rule and the AIA and State Requirements. Most questions can be answered by reading these resources.


AIA: AIA Colorado | 303.446.2266

Colorado: Colorado State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors. Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, dora_aesboard@state.co.us | 303-894-7800

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Concord Energy Offices | David Lauer
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Mesa Building | Brent Moss

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I view my progress?

Login to aia.org to view your transcript and progress toward fulfilling the requirement.

I took a course but it’s not showing up on my transcript.

If you took a course through an AIA provider and the course does not show up on your transcript within 10 business days of the date in which you took the course, please contact the provider. If the course was organized by AIA Colorado, contact Rylee Younger at 303.228.3912.

As a newly licensed member, am I required to earn LU hours?

New, first-time members of the AIA and members who upgraded from Associate membership are not required to complete the annual 18 LU hour (12 HSW) during the calendar year that they join. Your requirement will begin January 1 of the following year. However, records are kept for those who submit their activities. Please note, any credit received in the first year will not apply toward the following year’s requirement unless the member exceeds the 18 LU hour (12 HSW) requirement.

How do I self-report LU’s?

You may submit online via AIA.org. 1. Login to aia.org. 2. Select the “Self-reported Activities” tab. 3. Scroll to the bottom and click “Add New.” Fill in the form and click “Save”. Once submitted, each self-report will be reviewed within 5 business days. If approved, the status will appear as “Approved.”

How do I become a CES provider?

Visit the Continuing Education Provider Resources page.

You can also renew your CES provider subscription here.

Can I self-report HSW credits?

As of December 2012, AIA Members can only self-report credits with an LU designation. HSW credits must be reported directly to AIA National by an approved continuing education provider.

Do my continuing education hours carry over from year to year?

Carryover is not permitted to fulfill your state of Colorado continuing education requirement, however it is permitted to fulfill your AIA continuing education requirement.*

*Carryover credit can be used for one year only; it is not cumulative. Only the number of credits needed to fulfill the annual requirement for the following year may be carried over. Extra credits may not be carried past the one-year limit. A member who fails to meet the annual requirements will be given a 9-month grace period. Any credit earned during the 9-month grace period will apply towards the deficit and the grace period ends September 30. During the grace period, members are also able to report retroactively any activities that were completed in the previous year.

American Institute of Architects, Colorado Chapter
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