Join + Renew

You entered the architecture profession because you’re passionate about the impact of design.

Whether it was playing with LEGOs or during your first drafting class, you knew from an early age that you were destined to be an architect. You’re a lifelong learner, committed to continuously honing your knowledge and skills. You care about Colorado and want to use your talents to contribute. You believe in design’s ability to transform our lives. You know that it’s important to have architects’ perspectives represented in policy decision-making. You enjoy the company of fellow design professionals and love discussing design.

By joining AIA Colorado, you will connect with 2,400 like-minded design professionals in the state who share your passion for elevating design in our state. You’ll also have AIA Colorado behind you, supporting you through every stage of your career.

If you have any questions about membership benefits for Colorado members, contact Amy Blagriff, Honorary AIA, Chief Operating Officer, AIA Colorado, at

39.22431160789297, -105.9994429290299
CABIN | Parrish Ruiz de Velasco

Update Membership Info

Is your contact information up to date with AIA National? Have you moved in last year, changed jobs, or work from home now and use a different preferred email address? Now is always a great time to update your member records so you receive maximum value for your membership. AIA Colorado and AIA regularly share resources, news items across the profession, links to events including networking, and education. Your contact information is contained in our AIA National membership profile.

Visit to login and update your membership account info.

40.040875462564976, -105.26970227992508
Linden Grove | James Florio
© AIA Colorado 2025
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