2023 Distinguished Service Award • Jerry Johnson

Jerry Johnson | Unfound Door
Cheri Gerou & Jerry Johnson | Unfound Door

This year, we are delighted to honor Jerry Johnson with the Distinguished Service Award. For the past 40 years, he has been our voice and our friend at the state capitol and has demonstrated remarkable service to all Colorado architects.

2023 marked the 40th session of the Colorado General Assembly where Jerry Johnson was the architects advocate. Amazing, right? In those forty years, he has defended us against immeasurable harm and opened the doors to dozens of new laws from architects for a better built environment and practice climate. Jerry is beloved by the University of Colorado, a great motivator, a brilliant tactician, a person who makes people believe, has an incredible record of victories for his team, and will face even stronger adversaries in the upcoming season.

Jerry continues to be a valuable resource to Colorado architects as we seek smooth passage of the Architecture Practice Act in the next session. It’s because we have teammates such as Jerry that we know our profession and our practices are in good care for the years ahead.

Here is a small selection of quotes from those who have been inspired by Jerry over the years: 

Kevin Eronimous, AIA: 

Whether it’s a legislative report, an intro to a new legislator, or a recap of the latest recruiting prospects for CU, Jerry brings careful thought and genuine passion to all that he does. His insightful fostering of meaningful relations has served our profession (and our legislators) incredibly well, creating a foundation of mutual trust and respect for everyone at the table. 

T J Carvis, AIA: 

In the small fraction of the 40 years that I’ve gotten to know Jerry, he’s made a lasting impression on me. His jovial personality and willingness to go the extra mile offer a refreshing perspective in what can often be a tumultuous political environment. He has an incredible knowledge of the issues, both past and present, and seems to know everyone in the state legislature. Colorado architects could not have had a better ally at the Capitol! 

Mike Wisnesk, AIA: 

Jerry is the consummate gentleman and happens to be a lobbyist, oftentimes more despised and vilified than a politician. He is honest, trustworthy, reliable, pretty much every quality one would find in an Eagle Scout. 

He taught me that in Colorado, politics is not a dirty word. That our citizen legislators have real jobs, and are real people, and simply want to make the best decision about an issue. He taught me that a cup of coffee or a simple, honest phone call to my legislator is much more valuable than an e-mail. This is advice I still use today. 

I first met Jerry to review very large stacks of printed bills, then meet to discuss how they affected our profession. Years later it dawned on me that he wasn’t teaching me how to read bills, he was showing me how to be a better citizen and be engaged with our legislative process. 

Jerry, I love you for who you are and how you have made our small world in Colorado better! 

Mary Follenweider, FAIA: 

As a Colorado growth management bill was heard in Legislative Committee, Jerry said: It creates visibility for AIA Colorado as a leader on the subject…with the ultimate outcome that Legislators see architects as a “player.” This is our Jerry Johnson, Hon. AIACO., who has always supported architects as influencers, engagers and subject matter experts. Thank you, Jerry, for your stalwart belief in us. 

Phil Gerou, AIA: 

In 1983, when D. A. Bertram and I interviewed potential lobbyists to represent AIA Colorado, we knew we had the right candidate to represent us. We could not possibly have foreseen the extraordinary decades of collaboration and lobbying excellence that followed. AIA Colorado has been blessed with Jerry’s guidance, knowledge, intuition, and good humor for longer than we ever anticipated. Thank you, Jerry. It’s been an honor to work with you as a professional and to know you as a great friend. 

Marvin Sparn, FAIA:

Facing the uncertain prospect of a practice act sunset, the AIA Colorado Government Affairs Committee decided that they needed help. As a founding member of the Committee, I solicited recommendations from personal lobbyist friends on who might be helpful to AIA Colorado – Jerry was highly recommended. 

Hiring Jerry far outlasted my presidency and is one of the best moves the Committee ever made. 

Thank you, Jerry!

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