Architecture is not neutral. Neither can architects be passive. The duty of those who shape our cities is to include every voice, design for universal human dignity, and advocate for lasting change.
Thus, the AIA Colorado Board of Directors has deemed justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (J.E.D.I.) a top imperative of this association.
We recognize that J.E.D.I. is critical to this industry, and we are committed to creating an environment—both within AIA Colorado and the broader architecture profession—that attracts, develops, and retains individuals who reflect the communities we serve.
From articles to webinars, the AIA Colorado J.E.D.I. Committee produces regular content to help design a more equitable profession. In addition, they’ve compiled the resources below, which we encourage you to explore.
The AIA Colorado J.E.D.I. Committee is looking forward to a second year offering the Design Like a Girl program to students here in Colorado, and we are seeking mentors to participate in the workshops this year!
What do you need to reach your ARE goals? Access to study materials? A group of peers studying for the same exam as you? A study schedule with people to help you stay accountable? Someone to help you work through those persistent difficult study questions?
We all have the same goal, so why do it alone?
The J.E.D.I. Committee would like to assist in creating a strong network of people, study materials, accountability, and resources beyond what is offered at individual firms. We’re also interested in knowing where everyone is on their exam journey.
The AIA CO J.E.D.I. Education Pipeline Committee is focused on introducing school-age students to architecture in an effort to expand career pathway exploration and diversify the profession. We regularly post opportunities in the AIA Colorado newsletter for architects, architectural interns, and allied professionals to share their journey with middle and high school students in the Denver Public School (DPS) system. Time commitments are outlined along with each opportunity. Please contact Sarah Goldblatt, AIA if you or your firm is interested in volunteering.
AIA Colorado J.E.D.I. Resources
Sarah Morasso, AIA, Chair
Jennifer Edwards, Assoc. AIA
Stephanie Fernandez, Assoc. AIA
Michelle Fix-Westall, Assoc. AIA
Anna Friedrich, Assoc. AIA
Sarah Goldblatt, AIA
Margarita Gonzalez, Assoc. AIA
Kariba Lawson, AIA
Ely Merheb, AIA
Alexander Person, AIA
Travis Surmeier, Assoc. AIA
Coming soon!