2023 Impact Award • Colorado Green Building Guild

Colorado Green Building Guild | Unfound Door
Colorado Green Building Guild | Unfound Door

The AIA Colorado Impact Award which recognizes a group or organization in Colorado that has made a positive impact on Colorado communities and significantly contributed to the advancement of architecture and/or enhanced the role of practitioners.

This year, the Colorado Green Building Guild was chosen as the first ever recipient for its promotion of green building and specifically the organization’s role in helping to make resources easily accessible to designers, builders, and owners throughout the region. 

The Colorado Green Building Guild is a non-profit trade organization representing a wide range of green building leaders, and serving the community at large by making green building common practice and accessible to all. CGBG strives to ensure the widespread adoption of sustainable practices to increase the efficient use of resources, create healthier buildings, and support vibrant, sustainable communities throughout all of Colorado! 

The Honor Awards jury were especially impressed by the dedication of their volunteer members. They organize monthly seminars, workshops, and tours for a very broad audience that includes the professionals in the design industry, builders, manufacturers, students, home and business owners, green technology specialists, and more. Their events provide a platform for the general public to not only to share knowledge on sustainable design technology, but also to connect with one another and build community around green building. 

Particularly after the Marshall Fire, the Colorado Green Building Guild made significant positive impact by providing resources to homeowners as they began their rebuild process.

Colorado Green Building Guild | Unfound Door
Colorado Green Building Guild | Unfound Door
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