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Call for Nominations | 2024 AIA Colorado Board of Directors and AIA National Councils

We are seeking AIA Colorado members to serve on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors and as state representatives to AIA national councils. The AIA Colorado Board provides stewardship of the nonprofit and is responsible for collaboratively setting the direction of the organization through consensus driven governance, policy-making and strategic planning. The national councils are peer group networks who provide insight from our state into their programming and strategy to the national level of the Institute. 

Ideal candidates are AIA members who are strategically minded, service-oriented and capable of identifying and responding to industry trends—to enhance and propel the profession and to help members excel in their areas of practice. 

AIA Colorado is committed to broadening equity, diversity and inclusion to create a stronger profession. Towards that end, the nominating committee will make every attempt to recommend a diverse, strategy-driven and competency-based slate of candidates.

Upcoming vacancies on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors include

Upcoming vacancies on the AIA National Councils include

Eligibility: You must be an active member in good standing with AIA Colorado (see eligibility for each open position) and your membership must remain current for the upcoming membership year(s).

All qualified and interested applicants are encouraged to submit during the open application period from October 1– 31, 2023.

Other Volunteer Opportunities: These are by no means the only ways to work on issues important to the organization and gain leadership experience. We encourage you to consider opportunities to volunteer as a member of a task force, committee or knowledge community. Visit the AIA Colorado website to learn about the current lineup. The Call for Interest to serve on a committee or task force will be published in November. AIA Colorado also offers excellent leadership development programs for members who wish to build their professional portfolios.

Please review the competencies sought, responsibilities, commitments, and position descriptions before applying for consideration to serve on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors and AIA National Councils. 

Critical Competencies Sought

Strategic Visioning and Direction Setting: Board members must possess the ability to analyze events, perceive trends and respond to industry trends, anticipate changes and recognize threats and opportunities impacting the profession. They also need a strategic orientation that helps guide AIA Colorado’s future direction.

Team Orientation: The AIA Colorado board is comprised of a group of individuals working together to fulfill governance roles and responsibilities. This team-work orientation includes an ability to listen to and synthesize multiple perspectives, leading to a cohesive and unified strategy. Board members must be able to support and prioritize organizational goals rather than individual desires.  

Communication and Relationship Building: Board members should be effective communicators who are capable of building relationships with individuals both on and off the board, to build a positive climate of trust, openness, shared knowledge and passion for the work of AIA Colorado.  Those with already established connections in the profession and across the industry are also highly desired.

Personal Commitment and Capacity:  Commitment to the organizational work of AIA Colorado is an important quality for all board members. Board members must also have the time and capacity to fully engage in governing the organization, and to openly acknowledge when issues might lead to a conflict of interest.

Business Mindset and Experience: Interested candidates should understand the role of a board member in the governance of a nonprofit organization, including setting the strategic direction; publicly supporting the organization’s mission, vision and goals; and fiduciary and legal oversight. The AIA Colorado Board of Directors oversees a $1.5 million annual budget plus reserves. Candidates should be familiar with budgeting processes and understand how to read financial reports. They should also be committed to supporting revenue goals through their participation and personal outreach with members and allied professionals, fundraising activities and membership recruitment goals.

Diversity: The nominating committee is seeking to build a well-rounded group of directors and officers representing various backgrounds, perspectives and practice areas within AIA Colorado’s architecture profession. AIA Colorado encourages interested applicants from various demographics, ages, locations, practice areas, firm types/sizes and years of practice to apply for consideration.

Responsibilities and Commitments of AIA Colorado Board Members

This overview informs volunteer leaders and all potential board candidates of the unique aspects associated with governing our nonprofit organization. Incorporated in the State of Colorado, AIA Colorado is the statewide chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), which provides members with business and career resources, enables architects to protect and advance their profession through advocacy and supports members’ advancement through all stages of their careers.

Volunteer leaders to the AIA Colorado Board oversee the affairs of the nonprofit and are responsible for setting the direction of the organization—and for ensuring that the organization has sufficient financial and human resources to carry out its strategic direction.

The AIA Colorado board governs, develops policies, and sets a course for the future.

Legal principles of nonprofit board service

Duty of Care—requires leaders to use reasonable care and good judgment in making decisions on behalf of the interests of the organization.  Each officer or director is also required to be appropriately informed about the issues requiring consideration and to devote appropriate oversight to the organization’s activities.

Duty of Loyalty—requires leaders to be faithful to the organization, avoiding conflicts of interest.  Puts the interests of AIA Colorado before personal and professional interests when acting on behalf of the board in a decision-making capacity.

Duty of Obedience—requires leaders to ensure that AIA Colorado complies with applicable federal, state and local laws and adheres to the organization’s mission.

Other Essential Board Duties and Responsibilities
As an individual board member of AIA Colorado, officers and directors are expected to:

Applicants who are interested in being considered for board or council service by the Nominating committee should return a completed Request for Qualifications (linked here) by October 31, 2023, 11:59 pm.

For more information please contact: 

About the Nominating Committee: 

The Nominating Committee for the AIA Colorado Board of Directors is chaired by the immediate Past-President of AIA Colorado. Additional members are appointed from each local section. The long-term role of this committee is to identify, cultivate and recruit future leaders of AIA Colorado. Specific to the AIA Colorado Board of Directors, the Nominating Committee is responsible for presenting a slate of recommended, qualified candidates to the membership.  After publication of the Nominating Committee’s report, the final ballot will be prepared. In the event of contested elections, a secure online election for members will be conducted to determine the results.


Terms begin January 1st

In addition to the qualifications, competencies and essential responsibilities as outlined in previous sections, any additional or unique duties for each position are detailed below.  Every elected member to the board of directors is a voting board member responsible for the strategic direction and fiduciary oversight of the organization.  


Associate Director Eligibility: Assigned Assoc. AIA members of AIA Colorado in good standing are eligible for nomination for the associate director position. *Members must not be licensed at the time at the time of nomination but may become licensed in the course of their term and continue to serve.  The nominating committee is seeking committed associate director candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of one complete year, with leadership competencies, a passion for the architectural profession, a track record of engagement with professional colleagues, and experience related to serving on a volunteer committee or board of directors. Ideal candidates will bring key relationship-building skills and possess a commitment towards nurturing trust to build a positive and welcoming organizational culture. 

SECTION DIRECTORS* (2-year term, renewable 1 time)


Section Director Eligibility: Assigned AIA, Assoc. AIA and Intl. Assoc. AIA members of AIA Colorado in good standing are eligible for nomination for the local section director position. *Members must be located within the local section relative to the seat for which they are running at the time of nomination.  The nominating committee is seeking committed local section director candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of one complete year, with leadership competencies, a passion for the architectural profession, a track record of engagement with professional colleagues, and experience related to serving on a volunteer committee or board of directors. Ideal candidates will bring key relationship-building skills and possess a commitment towards nurturing trust to build a positive and welcoming organizational culture. 

SECRETARY (2-year term) 

Secretary Eligibility:  AIA, Associate AIA and International AIA members assigned to this chapter who are in good standing are eligible to be considered for the position of Treasurer. The nominating committee is seeking committed candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of three consecutive years, with leadership competencies, a passion for the architectural profession, excellent listening skills and attention to detail, good communication skills and prior experience serving on a volunteer committee or board of directors.


(3 YEARS INCLUDING 2025 President and 2026 Immediate Past President) 

President-elect Eligibility: AIA, Assoc. AIA and Intl. Assoc. AIA members of AIA Colorado in good standing are eligible to run for the President-Elect position. 

The nominating committee is seeking seasoned and committed president-elect candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of five consecutive years, with demonstrated leadership competencies. Past board service is highly desired including past elected or appointed positions in service to AIA Colorado or other non-profit or community organizations. Ideal candidates will also have a demonstrated track record for exceptional teamwork, collaboration and consensus-development skills; an earned reputation for emotional intelligence, integrity and honesty; and a solid understanding of the factors impacting the practice of architecture combined with a passion and vision for the future of the profession.


PRESIDENT – Julianne Scherer, AIA

PAST PRESIDENT (1-year term) – Sarah Broughton, FAIA 

TREASURER (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Jim Childs, AIA

DENVER SECTION DIRECTOR (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Andy Rockmore, AIA

See previous description for Section Director

SOUTH SECTION DIRECTOR (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Joey Bahnsen, AIA

See previous description for Section Director



Eligibility: any assigned member in good standing.

Councilors serve as links regarding deliberations and actions of the AIA. In that role they inform the Institute as advisors in identifying and developing issues that are most relevant to the profession and society.

The Council will approach its tasks with an emphasis on outward vision, encouragement of diverse viewpoints, strategic leadership, clear understanding of Board, Council and staff roles, an orientation to the future rather than the past or present, and anticipation rather than reaction. In this spirit, the Council will: 1) focus on intended long term effects and outcomes of the Institute’s work, not on the administrative or programmatic means of attaining those effects, 2) be accountable to the membership for competent, conscientious and effective accomplishment of the Council’s obligations as a body, and 3) monitor and regularly discuss the Council’s own process and performance and ensure the continuity of its capability. 

The Council shall act in accordance with the mission and vision of the Institute and provide insight into association and professional issues through the following contributions: 1) representation of the interests of the membership in the matters within its charge, and appropriate communication with members, and 2) fulfillment of its planning role to develop and periodically review a long-range strategic framework, in accordance with the Institute Bylaws. 

Councilors, whose actions support and promote the mission, vision, strategic plan, and policies of the Institute, will: 1) attend all assemblies of the Council, be well prepared, and participate fully, 2) advance the overall interests of the Institute and its members, and serve as a link between the members of their respective constituencies and the Institute by regularly corresponding with the members to seek input on issues and communicate Council actions, 3) take up issues only through the Council acting as a whole, 4) keep all Council deliberations (as contrasted to actions) confidential, 5) accept and support Council decisions once decisions have been made, 6) seek to identify and nurture diverse leadership at all levels of the Institute, and promote capable leaders for important roles, 7) be knowledgeable about the principles and documents that guide the operation of the Council. 

Councilors are expected to attend two regular in-person assemblies of the Council each year. (Subject to Board approval, additional in-person assemblies of the Council may take place.) At its discretion, the Council may also meet by telephone conference call or by webinar.


Eligibility: any member in good standing from a firm of ten employees or less at the time of their nomination.


Eligibility: any member in good standing who has been licensed for ten years or less at the time of their nomination.

The Young Architect Regional Director is the primary connection between AIA chapters and the national YAF Advisory Committee (AdCom).

1. The YAF Regional Director will keep communication flowing between these groups by:

2. The YAF State Director contributes to the direction and planning of the YAF by:

3. The YAF State Director is the primary connection at the chapter level to other groups in the AIA by Communicating with their College of Fellows Representative and National Associates Committee Director quarterly about how to work together to support each other’s efforts.

4. Participation in a minimum of one Focus Group led by the AdCom. Funding is dependent on annual budget and fulfillment of duties listed above.


NATIONAL ASSOCIATES COMMITTEE STATE REPRESENTATIVE (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Kari Lawson, AIA

Eligibility: any Associate member in good standing. Must not be licensed in any jurisdiction at the time of their nomination. May become licensed after selection and complete their term.

Working with their state counterparts – the State Associate Director, Young Architect State Representative, AIAS Quad Director, Architect Licensing Advisor, and AIA Strategic Councilor—this role is responsible for gathering information about issues facing Associates within their State and disseminating information about national activities and resources for use at the local level. Of equal importance, serves as a vital link between Associates in their state and the national organization. The individual is the key to vertical communication, connecting Associate leaders at all levels of the Institute. Is also encouraged to work on various issues important to them and their state through the NAC work groups.

They are funded to attend the NAC Annual in-person meeting in the first quarter. Otherwise, they should expect to participate in monthly quarterly committee calls and monthly work group calls. May attend national AIA Grassroots leadership conference alternating with State Associate Director or YAF representative and provide summary report to members. Travel stipend available pending annual budget.

© AIA Colorado 2025
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