For our 81st and final event of the year, AIA Colorado invites you to our 2020 Year-End Member Mixer on Thursday, December 17, for virtual happy hours with every section in the state from 4-5 p.m. Register now and see what’s in store for each section:
With your host Denver Director Ignacio Correa-Ortiz, AIA
Tune in as we kick off with introductions, a custom-created crossword puzzle (which you can begin now!), and a chance to network with fellow Denver colleagues.
With your host North Director Rob Pyatt, AIA
Test your edible design skills with a fun gingerbread house-making competition alongside engaging conversation with members from the North.
Make sure to have on hand sturdy gingerbread construction materials such as graham crackers, any type of edible “glue” such as frosting, and candy or colorful edible items for decorations and ornamentation. We look forward to networking and designing with you!
With your host West Director Sarah Broughton, AIA
West members will enjoy a cocktail/mocktail demonstration plus a design competition. Please bring the following so you can participate in the activity:
With your host Director Sheva Willoughby, AIA