Written by the former Executive Creative Director of Cirque de Soleil, Creative Courage challenges us to evade comfortable choices in favor of breaking through to the new.
99% Invisible Podcast: Gender-Neutral Restrooms
The debate about trans bathroom access became a big national story a little over five years ago after the passage of ordinances in cities that attempted to restrict access to trans people. Many transgender, non-binary, and intersex people risk stress and sometimes physical danger when entering bathrooms that are segregated by sex. But a group of people have devised a design solution that may make bathrooms better for everyone.
Crafting spaces built on the idea that architecture should adapt to the environment and needs of each organization, Moody Nolan is a firm on Instagram worth following.
2021 Architecture Firm Award: Moody Nolan
“For Moody Nolan, diversity has been at the core of the firm’s philosophy since its founding. Much greater than a recruitment plan, the firm’s complete embrace of talent that hails from diverse cultures, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds allows it to nimbly address complex problems through its staff’s myriad points of view. The nation’s largest African American-owned and operated design firm, it has a long history of serving clients with its trademark navigation of cultural sensitivities and keen understanding of the impact its work has on individuals and communities.”
This recognition is an important step in tackling the systemic lack of diversity in our profession.
Read this Article on How Diverse Employees are Struggling during COVID and How Employers Can Help
The end of the article cites action items for firms to respond to the inequitable struggle of diverse employees.