Welcome, 2021 Members!

Our 2,400 FAIA, AIA, Assoc. AIA, and new graduate members all comprise the AIA Colorado community, and we’re honored to recognize the following members who joined or transferred in from another state to Colorado in 2021. Please help us welcome the following new members.

2021 AIA and Assoc. AIA Members

Abigya T. Abiyo, Assoc. AIA

Lynn Acton, AIA

Douglas E. Adams, AIA

Mark E. Adcock, AIA

Casey Alexander, Assoc. AIA

Danya Alheriz, Assoc. AIA

Andrew P. Allmon, AIA

Filimon Alvarez, Assoc. AIA

Saeed Amirchaghmaghi, Assoc. AIA

Kenyon Anderson, Assoc. AIA

Antonio J. Andrade, Assoc. AIA

Matthew Andronowitz, Assoc. AIA

Chris Antonopoulos, Assoc. AIA

Pamela April, Assoc. AIA

Elizabeth R. Arnold, AIA

Jacques A. Artel, Assoc. AIA

Susan M. Atkinson, Assoc. AIA

Jaime E. Aubry, Assoc. AIA

Evan Auer, Assoc. AIA

Crystal Babb, Assoc. AIA

Michael Baden, AIA

Abigail Balderrama-Magallanes, Assoc. AIA

Roger Barak, AIA

Gabe Bellowe, AIA

Patrick R. Berrend, AIA

Hailey Beyer, AIA

Mark W. Bila, Assoc. AIA

Jonathan K. Bock, AIA

James F. Bock, Assoc. AIA

Robert Brashears, AIA

Christopher W. Brettell, Assoc. AIA

Kyle L. Brunner, Assoc. AIA

Greg Bruskivage, Assoc. AIA

Adam L. Buehler, AIA

Megan K. Burke, Assoc. AIA

Alyson E. Burkhalter, Assoc. AIA

Mary H. Bussard, AIA

Brandon Byrd, Assoc. AIA

William R. Campbell, AIA

Michelle Anne Canniff, Assoc. AIA

Oscar Carlson, Assoc. AIA

Adam Casias, Assoc. AIA

Jordan Tierney Caylor, Assoc. AIA

Benjamin R. Charpentier, Assoc. AIA

Kayla Chenery, AIA

Ashley Clark Adams, AIA

Kirsten A. Coe, AIA

Janna H. Cole, Assoc. AIA

Ryan Cook, AIA

Catherine A. Crain, AIA

Andrea L. Cunningham, AIA

Marc P. Daubert, Assoc. AIA

Jennifer M. Davis, Assoc. AIA

Lauren A. Davis, AIA

Alan Doggett, Assoc. AIA

Yinhui Dong, Assoc. AIA

Joseph M. Dooling, AIA

Meghan Duarte-Silva, AIA

Krista L. Dumkrieger, AIA

Craig A. Dunn, Assoc. AIA

Benjamin S. Durham, Assoc. AIA

Luke W. Durkin, AIA

Ashley Duvenhage, Assoc. AIA

Jennifer B. Edwards, Assoc. AIA

Samantha N. Eichhorn, Assoc. AIA

Amaleed E. Elmehdiwi, Assoc. AIA

Nicholas J. Esquibel, Assoc. AIA

Lauren C. Falcon, AIA

Charles W. Fielder, AIA

Nicholas H. Fish, Assoc. AIA

Corey J. Fisher, AIA

Michael C. Folwell, AIA

Rena M. Foster, AIA

Kit Frey, Assoc. AIA

Craig M. Friedman, AIA

Anna S. Friedrich, Assoc. AIA

Douglas L. Fullen, AIA

Christopher W. Fuller, AIA

Christian Fussy, AIA

Ben Garcia, Assoc. AIA

Tamrat Z. Getu, Assoc. AIA

Jason C. Geving, AIA

Patrick J. Gleason, AIA

Iulia Gnatyk, Assoc. AIA

Austin S. Gohl, AIA

Victor Gonzalez, Assoc. AIA

Christopher R. Grantham, Assoc. AIA

Aaron Gray, AIA

Garrett E. Greene, Assoc. AIA

Justin Gross, AIA

Rebecca Groves, AIA

Adrienne Gullia, Assoc. AIA

Shilpa Gupta, Assoc. AIA

Roger Hall, AIA

Jack Hamilton, Assoc. AIA

Timothy R. Hansen, Assoc. AIA

Kyle J. Hanson, AIA

Ethan Harper, Assoc. AIA

Imani Haupt, Assoc. AIA

Katherine E. Hawkins, AIA

Travis A. Hendrix, AIA

Ryan Hess, AIA

Seth Hmielowski, AIA

Grant W. Horton, Assoc. AIA

Josephine Hsu, Assoc. AIA

Stefani G. Huey, AIA

Andrew Huggins, Assoc. AIA

Christopher Hurley, AIA

Ariana N. Irizarry, Assoc. AIA

Joseph Irwin, AIA

Jonathan W. Jaeger, AIA

Erik Jansson, AIA

Alex P. Jauch, AIA

Nils Jergensen, Assoc. AIA

Emily L. Johns, AIA

Amanda Johnson, Assoc. AIA

Electra Johnson, Assoc. AIA

Boyd L. Johnson, AIA

Eric C. Jones, AIA

Christopher R. Jones, AIA

Claire Jordan, AIA

Martin Joyce, Assoc. AIA

Chancie Keenan, AIA

Alexander M. Kendle, AIA

Tamzida Khan, Assoc. AIA

Sarah T. KIA, AIA

Jessica L. Killinger, AIA

Jennifer Kimura, AIA

Lisa R. Kistner, AIA

Jenny K. Kivett, AIA

John W. Koblosky, Assoc. AIA

Madelyn R. Kodros, AIA

Eric J. Kuhn, Assoc. AIA

Malgorzata Gosia L. Kung, AIA

Euginie Kwan, Assoc. AIA

Sarah J. Laake, Assoc. AIA

Christian Ladefoged, Assoc. AIA

Kerin N. LaFollette, AIA

Alexandra Lansing, Assoc. AIA

Andrew T. Lemmer, AIA

Shane W. Lenard, Assoc. AIA

Hengchen Liu, AIA

Edgar F. Llamas, Assoc. AIA

Erik K. Lobeck, AIA

Anthony J. Loughran, AIA

Germaine Low, Assoc. AIA

Jennifer Lozano Castillo, Assoc. AIA

Benjamin Ludeman, Assoc. AIA

Jacqueline A. Lund, Assoc. AIA

Hana Maclean, AIA

Kevin Madera, Assoc. AIA

Brian A. Majeski, Assoc. AIA

Sean R. Maloney, AIA

Chas M. Marquez, AIA

Natalie A. Martin, Assoc. AIA

Shawn K. Mather, AIA

Daniel Matoba, AIA

Sean P. McGovern, Assoc. AIA

Joselinne Mendoza-Ortega, Assoc. AIA

Kelsey Mercer, Assoc. AIA

Tyler Mikolajczak, Assoc. AIA

Ethan Miller, Assoc. AIA

Matthew R. Miller, AIA

Michelle L. Miller, AIA

Daniel H. Mills, AIA

Alec H. Mingle, Assoc. AIA

Fatima Montano, Assoc. AIA

Olivia Moore, Assoc. AIA

Sarah Morasso, AIA

Stephen P. Morton, AIA

Kaye S. Mullaney, AIA

Ajibola Murtala, Assoc. AIA

Adam C. Nault, AIA

Shannon Newberry, Assoc. AIA

Kevin J. Noble, Assoc. AIA

Sean P. O’Bryant, AIA

Kieran Patrick O’Halloran, AIA

Graham Oden, Assoc. AIA

Karen Offer, Assoc. AIA

Olamide Olorunkosebi, Assoc. AIA

Mahamoud D. Omar, Assoc. AIA

Hans Osheim, AIA

Brent Otsuka, Assoc. AIA

William Otte, AIA

Andrea Paiz, Assoc. AIA

Joshua D. Palmer, AIA

Dhriti Pangasa, Assoc. AIA

SeungHee Park, AIA

Cameron Parker, Assoc. AIA

Sindhuri Patllola, AIA

Megan Paus, AIA

Derrick Paus, AIA

Lee P. Payne, AIA

Allison Pearlman, AIA

Mayraj Peer, AIA

Elizabeth Perry, Assoc. AIA

Chris S. Peterson, Assoc. AIA

Alexis Petre, AIA

Page Phillips, AIA

Vivek Prasad, Assoc. AIA

Darby K. Prendergast, AIA

Derek S. Price, AIA

Zareen Prithvi, Assoc. AIA

Jacob D. Richie, AIA

Renee Ritchie, Assoc. AIA

Benjamin Robbins, AIA

Brian Rogers, AIA

Genevieve E. Rogers, AIA

Sheena O. Rude, Assoc. AIA

Aaron M. Rule, Assoc. AIA

Brandon Rutledge, AIA

Rohini Saksena, AIA

Salima Salim, Assoc. AIA

Adam C. Savage, Assoc. AIA

Morgan Scott, Assoc. AIA

Samuel L. Severns, AIA

Darek Shapiro, AIA

Tallyn Sherman, Assoc. AIA

Lauren Sherman-Boemker, Assoc. AIA

Edward L. Shure, AIA

Anyeli Silva, Assoc. AIA

John M. Simon, AIA

Anna B. Slowey, AIA

Maureen E. Smith, AIA

Jacob L. Smith, AIA

Kristen Spanbauer, Assoc. AIA

Amanda E. Spice-Knoeller, Assoc. AIA

Evan Spurrell, AIA

Joe N. Stainbrook, AIA

Kristen S. Stanford, AIA

Milo J. Stark, Assoc. AIA

Kelly Steinway, Assoc. AIA

Samantha Strang, AIA

Zachary Strong, Assoc. AIA

Connor M. Sullivan, Assoc. AIA

Blake Sullivan, AIA

Lauren Tatusko, AIA

Eric Thuerk, Assoc. AIA

Alexander Udolkin, AIA

Lucy VanDusen, AIA

David Vasquez, Assoc. AIA

Lance G. Vigil, AIA

Belen Vigil, Assoc. AIA

Maryia Vinogradova, Assoc. AIA

Natalia Vladimirova, AIA

Chelsea L. Wade, AIA

Ariel G. Walden, Assoc. AIA

Abby M. Waldo, AIA

Yeceng Wang, Assoc. AIA

Eric H. Ward, AIA

Grant Warmerdam, Assoc. AIA

Aleks Webster, Assoc. AIA

Ronald Wells, AIA

Chandler M. Willie, Assoc. AIA

John Willits, Assoc. AIA

Ian F. Wilson, Assoc. AIA

Jess C. Wilton, AIA

David M. Wirth, Assoc. AIA

Rachel Wolf, AIA

Jamie Wolff, AIA

Harry Worsham, Assoc. AIA

Christine Wright, Assoc. AIA

Tyler J. Wurr, AIA

Ruichen Xu, Assoc. AIA

Urmica Yelavarthy, Assoc. AIA

John Yoon, AIA

Zarah Zalazar, Assoc. AIA

Tianjian Zhou, Assoc. AIA

Francesca Zucchi, AIA

Transferred In

Scott Abernethy, AIA

Pratiksha J. Achari, Assoc. AIA

Andrea Anderson, AIA

Andrew T. Berry, AIA

Charles C. Boyd, AIA Member Emeritus

Austyn T. Chesser, Assoc. AIA

Corey Collier, AIA

Brenna D. Costello, AIA

Amy E. Esposito, AIA

Alexander J. Goldberg, AIA

Avignon T. Greene, Assoc. AIA

Allison W. Haynes, AIA

Douglas C. Heaton, AIA

Joshua W. Hendershot, AIA

Michael Holliday, Int’l Assoc. AIA

Asa K. Houston, AIA

Andrew L. Lane, AIA

Yvonne Lee, AIA

Carrie B. Leneweaver, AIA

John T. Mills, AIA

Michael L. Rickenbaker, AIA

Steven J. Riojas, AIA

Todd A. Tierney, AIA

Ronald K. Wiendl, AIA

Zachary S. Wilson, AIA

Aimee J. Woodall, AIA

Victoria M. Ziegler, Assoc. AIA

Jati Zunaibi, Assoc. AIA

About the Author

AIA Colorado

AIA Colorado—the Colorado Chapter of the American Institute of Architects—is the voice of the architecture profession in Colorado. 

© AIA Colorado 2025
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