Colorado Architecture News | 10.16.24

News from the Colorado Chapter of The American Institute of Architects | 10.16.24

In this Newsletter:


Conference is less than 1 month away!

Featuring keynote presentations by Marlon Blackwell, FAIA, and Meryati Blackwell, AIA, AIA President-Elect Evelyn M. Lee, FAIA, Julie Snow, FAIA, and Anne Mooney, FAIA, it’s time to gear up for the keynotes, breakout sessions, learning labs, community, sold out expo floor, and networking that will make this year’s conference one to remember! 

Registration is still available for this year’s special edition of Tech Connecttaking placeNovember 13th, and GENERATE 2024 Practice + Design Conference taking placeNovember 14 – 15. Regular registration, and the conference room block, ends Oct 31st,so don’t delay!

Tech Connect 1-Day

Join us Wednesday, November 13th, from 2 – 6pm, at Keystone Conference Center, for a special event featuring three presentations that you will not want to miss:

Register for Tech Connect at the GENERATE 2024 Practice + Design Conference registration website.

Call for Nominations | 2025 AIA Colorado Board of Directors and AIA National Councils

We are seeking AIA Colorado members to serve on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors and as state representatives to AIA national councils. The AIA Colorado Board provides stewardship of the nonprofit and is responsible for collaboratively setting the direction of the organization through consensus driven governance, policy-making and strategic planning. The national councils are peer group networks who provide insight from our state into their programming and strategy to the national level of the Institute. 

Ideal candidates are AIA members who are strategically minded, service-oriented, and capable of identifying and responding to industry trends—to enhance and propel the profession and to help members excel in their areas of practice. AIA Colorado is committed to broadening equity, diversity, and inclusion to create a stronger profession. Towards that end, the nominating committee will make every attempt to recommend a diverse, strategy-driven, and competency-based slate of candidates. For more information, go here.

Add your firm to the new AIA Colorado firm directory!

AIA Colorado staff often receives inquiries from clients looking to hire architects from firms of all sizes across Colorado. Our goal with this Firm Member Directory is to help you get discovered and connect with potential projects. We’re excited to launch this new directory, currently in its beta phase. This means we’re still fine-tuning the features and gathering feedback to ensure it meets your needs. Join now and pay nothing for the rest of the year! See the directory here and join here.

J.E.D.I. seeking neurodiversity member profiles

The J.E.D.I. Committee invites neurodivergent members to share their unique perspectives for an upcoming profile. If you’re neurodivergent experiences have influenced your work in architecture and design, we want to hear your story. Help us raise awareness and inspire positive change within our community! To get involved, please contact AIA Colorado Communications Director, Jon Bell.

AIA Colorado Events

Emerging Professional AE Happy Hour with SEAC

October 17th, from 5 – 7pm, join emerging professional members from AIA Colorado and Structural Engineers Association of Colorado (SEAC) for a happy hour at Wynkoop Brewery.

RSVP here

Affordable Housing in Denver: Tour and Panel Discussion

Tuesday, October 22nd, from 4 – 5:45pm, the AIA Colorado Denver Local Advisors will be hosting a tour and panel discussion on the topic of affordable housing in Denver. The event will offer three 30-minute simultaneous site tours of projects in the Sun Valley neighborhood and be followed by a panel discussion highlighting the opportunities and challenges our community has in setting up affordable projects as we all aim to solve the housing issues in Denver. The panel will focus on how affordable projects come to life and the challenges of making them a reality. A reception and Q&A with the panel and tour hosts will follow. This will be an exclusive event for AIAColorado members and reservations are limited! Event has been approved for 1.5 LU|HSW.

RSVP here

Historic Preservation Tour – Larimer Square

Thursday, October 24, at 4pm, join Denver Local Advisors for a tour of the historic preservation and restoration to Denver’s Larimer Square. The tour will look at the $20 million-dollar exterior restoration and preservation improvements of the downtown historic 1400 block of Larimer Street between 14th and 15th Streets. Constructed between 1860 and 1880, the block includes 18 historic building facades, containing over 50,000 sq ft of interior space, and pedestrian streetscape. This tour has been approved for 1 LU|HSW.

RSVP here

Code Class: 2021 IBC Multi-Family Construction

Friday, October 25, at 8am, attend an overview of the requirements for multi-family dwellings in the International Building Code. Type V-A construction may be the most difficult type of construction to build a structure by. This seminar discusses the design, construction and inspection of Group R-2 occupancies including, building planning, fire-resistive rated construction, fire protection requirements and means of egress requirements. This full-day program includes lunch. This class has been for approval for 7.0 AIA CES Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW) learning unit hours.

RSVP here

AIA 2030 Commitment: Breaking Boundaries with Embodied Carbon

Monday, October 28th, 5 – 6:30pm, in-person at The Alliance Center or attending virtually, join the AIA Colorado Committee on the Environment (COTE) for the third member education session. 

A few of the topics discussed will include:

A Q+A session will follow the presentation. This session has been approved for 1 LU|HSW.  Watch Session #1 here and Session #2 here.

RSVP here

AAHKC Happy Hour

Thursday, November 21st,  5:30 – 7:30pm, hosted at HDR, join the Colorado Academy of Architecture for Health Knowledge Community (AAHKC) for a happy hour networking event.

RSVP here

Partner News

Path to Fellowship session at Keystone

Immediately following the closure of this year’s Practice + Design Conference, starting at 4:30pm, Friday, November 15th, join the AIA College of Fellows Western Mountain Region members for an event to learn about Fellowship, the path to apply, and meet Fellows from Colorado who can help guide you on your Fellowship journey. Panelists include Ron Abo, FAIA (2023), Will Babbington, FAIA (2024), Phil Gerou, FAIA (1993), Greg Gidez, FAIA (2022), and Jon Sparer, FAIA (2018). Session will take place at Keystone Conference Center and there is no need to RSVP beforehand and no charge to attend.

Call for Entries: Western Mountain Region Fellows Design & Honor Awards program

Following this year’s Practice + Design Conference, join the AIA College of Fellows Western Mountain Region members for an evening celebrating the 2024 AIA COF WMR Design & Honor Awards program. The inaugural design award gala will take place at Keystone Conference Center Friday evening, November 15th. Celebrating the best architectural designs and service achievements from AIA members in the AIA COF WMR states and those AIA members who have worked on projects in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. Learn more about the AIA COF WMR design award program and Practice + Design conference registration for WMR members here

Entry deadline: October 23rd, at 10 pm. Start your submission here.

ACE Mentor of Colorado: Volunteers Needed

Wednesday, October 23rd, from 5-7pm,at Stoney’s Bar and Grill (1111 Lincoln St, Denver), join 2024 AIA Colorado Impact Award organization recipient ACE Colorado to learn more about the need for mentors, guest speakers, and committee members to help serve Colorado high school students in the architecture, construction, and engineering fields. Build your skills, connect with the future workforce, connect with other pros, and enhance your career! RSVP here

City of Denver Zoning Board of Adjustment seeking applicants

The City and County of Denver mayor’s office and City Council are seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on the Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment hears and decides cases regarding the Denver Zoning Code and Former Chapter 59. It is quasi-judicial, responsible for conducting formal legal proceedings, subject to legal standards and court review. The appointed candidate will serve a term effective January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027. Learn more and apply here.

Cherry Creek North Design Advisory Board (CCNDAB) 

Licensed architects residing in the City and County of Denver, and retailers from the Cherry Creek North District, are encouraged to apply for two openings on the Cherry Creek North Design Advisory Board (CCNDAB). Learn more and apply here.

Upcoming CAP Fall lecture series

  •  Thursday, October 24, 12pm – Jorge Otero-Pailos, Columbia GSAPP, Professor, Director of the Master of Science in Historic Preservation and PhD in Historic Preservation Program
  • Thursday, November 7, 6pm – Thomas Phifer, Thomas Phifer and Partners, Founder 

Lectures are held at the Second Floor Gallery, CU Denver. More info and RSVP here.

Nominations now open for 2025 Mayor’s Design Awards!

Since 2005, the Mayor’s Design Awards have honored projects throughout the city for excellence in architecture, urban design, and place-making. The awards are presented to Denver homeowners, business owners, nonprofits, artists, and others for their creative contributions to Denver’s built environment through excellence and innovation. Many different types of projects are eligible. Mayor Mike Johnston and the Department of Community Planning and Development are seeking nominations for the Mayor’s Design Awards to be handed out in early 2025. Nominations are due Friday, November 1, 2024. Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony early next year. Nominate a project here.

Architect-ing Podcast features Vishaan Chakrabarti, FAIA

The founder of PAU (Practice for Architecture and Urbanism) joins host and the 2024 AIA Colorado Architect of the Year, Adam Wagoner, AIA, on the show to discuss his journey from Calcutta to becoming a prominent figure in architecture and urbanism.

Listen on Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Pandora

Career Corner

The AIA Colorado Job Board is updated daily. Job hunting? Take a peek to discover new opportunities. Hiring? Post your single job for 30 days. Connect with qualified candidates. Here are a few featured job openings:


2024 YAF Report

We’re thrilled to have AIA Colorado member Kaylyn Kirby, AIA, Semple Brown Design, on the Young Architects Forum, which represents approximately 20,000 of AIA’s nearly 100,000 members, serving alongside talented and passionate leaders in the AIA. Catch up on YAF’s 2024 Priority Areas, Goals, Accomplishments, and learn more about the work that transpires throughout the year here.

AIA Disaster Assistance Program updates

Architects play a crucial role in disaster response, and AIA proudly supports chapters and members in aiding their communities during crises. Read at AIA

NCARB and AIA release new guidance for developing ethics and public welfare-related CE courses

Over the past several years, interest in social determinants of health and ethics-related CE courses has grown, leading to questions regarding if and how these topics qualify for HSW credit. Developed jointly by AIA and NCARB, Ethics and Public Welfare Topics: A Guide to HSW Course Development confirms that both AIA and NCARB accept ethics, sociology, and public welfare content within the framework of HSW CE credit. Read at AIA

Five high-impact quotes from WLS 2024

Over 800 women gathered in Chicago last week for AIA’s 15th Women’s Leadership Summit! Read at AIA

Call for Proposals to present at AIA25 closes October 23rd

Submit your proposal for an educational session or architectural tour at AIA25 in Boston! AIA is looking for ahead-of-the-curve educational content from a diversity of voices, career stages, and industries. Start submission here.

Watch Season 2 Episode 1 of America ByDesign: Architecture

America ByDesign: Architecture Season 2 is a magazine-style half hour television program exclusively showcasing some of the best of American architecture from AIA members. From awe-inspiring architectural homes on the lake, to design that reflects culture and learning, to architecture centered on sustainability and collaboration. AIA has exclusive first access to each episode in the series for the AIA community – ahead of the general broadcast. Just as AIA believes “design belongs to everyone”, ByDesign is committed to showcasing design in technology, living, science and architecture to everyone. As associates and members of AIA are passionate about excellence in design, a collaborative partnership with the ByDesign series is a natural fit! 

Premier Partner at AIA24

Please welcome the newest AIA Colorado Premier Partners, K3 Technology, as we look forward to their ongoing support and involvement serving Colorado’s architecture community.

K3 Technology, a Denver based Information Technology Solutions Provider (ITSP/MSP) that was recently named a Colorado Company to Watch and recognized as one of Americas Fastest Growing Companies on the Inc. 5000 list. While many technology providers have a “come one, come all’ approach, we have a dedicated focus on the AECO and Creative industries. Why? Because we don’t think technology should be a bolt-on item to your business, it should be integrated into making you a better, more efficient, more profitable company. The only way to do that is by trying to understand your business as well as you do, and we can’t do that if we spread ourselves across multiple industries. View K3 Technology Website

Allied Member News

Congratulations to Jacqueline Pons-Bunney, Esq., of W&D Law, for being invited, and accepted, to the prestigious legal panel of arbitrators and mediators for the American Arbitration Association, International Centre for Dispute Resolution, Complex Construction Division (“AAA”). Read at W&D website.

Looking for Additional Resources?

Allied Members are better known as trusted industry colleagues and members of AIA Colorado—they’re the interior designers, the kitchen specialists, the engineering partners, and more who make up our AEC community in Colorado.
View AIA Colorado’s Allied Member Directory.

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