Call for Nominations | 2025 AIA Colorado Board of Directors and AIA National Councils

We are seeking AIA Colorado members to serve on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors and as state representatives to AIA national councils. The AIA Colorado Board provides stewardship of the nonprofit and is responsible for collaboratively setting the direction of the organization through consensus driven governance, policy-making and strategic planning. The national councils are peer group networks who provide insight from our state into their programming and strategy to the national level of the Institute. 

Ideal candidates are AIA members who are strategically minded, service-oriented and capable of identifying and responding to industry trends—to enhance and propel the profession and to help members excel in their areas of practice. 

AIA Colorado is committed to broadening equity, diversity and inclusion to create a stronger profession. Towards that end, the nominating committee will make every attempt to recommend a diverse, strategy-driven and competency-based slate of candidates.

Upcoming vacancies on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors include: 

Upcoming vacancies on the AIA National Councils include: 

Eligibility: You must be an active member in good standing with AIA Colorado (see eligibility for each open position) and your membership must remain current for the upcoming membership year(s).

All qualified and interested applicants are encouraged to submit during the open application period from October 1– 31, 2024 (RFQ form follows).

Applicants who are interested in being considered for board or council service by the Nominating Committee should complete the application on Submittable by October 31, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. MST.

Other Volunteer Opportunities: These are by no means the only ways to work on issues important to the organization and gain leadership experience. We encourage you to consider opportunities to volunteer as a member of a task force, committee or knowledge community. Visit here to learn about the current lineup. The Call for Interest to serve on a committee or task force will be published in November. AIA Colorado also offers excellent leadership development programs for members who wish to build their professional portfolios.

Please review the competencies sought, responsibilities, commitments, and position descriptions before applying for consideration to serve on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors and AIA National Councils. 

Critical Competencies Sought

Strategic Visioning and Direction Setting: Board members must possess the ability to analyze events, perceive trends and respond to industry trends, anticipate changes and recognize threats and opportunities impacting the profession. They also need a strategic orientation that helps guide AIA Colorado’s future direction.

Team Orientation: The AIA Colorado board is comprised of a group of individuals working together to fulfill governance roles and responsibilities. This team-work orientation includes an ability to listen to and synthesize multiple perspectives, leading to a cohesive and unified strategy. Board members must be able to support and prioritize organizational goals rather than individual desires.  

Communication and Relationship Building: Board members should be effective communicators who are capable of building relationships with individuals both on and off the board, to build a positive climate of trust, openness, shared knowledge and passion for the work of AIA Colorado.  Those with already established connections in the profession and across the industry are also highly desired.

Personal Commitment and Capacity:  Commitment to the organizational work of AIA Colorado is an important quality for all board members. Board members must also have the time and capacity to fully engage in governing the organization, and to openly acknowledge when issues might lead to a conflict of interest.

Business Mindset and Experience: Interested candidates should understand the role of a board member in the governance of a nonprofit organization, including setting the strategic direction; publicly supporting the organization’s mission, vision and goals; and fiduciary and legal oversight. The AIA Colorado Board of Directors oversees an over $1million annual budget plus reserves. Candidates should be familiar with budgeting processes and understand how to read financial reports. They should also be committed to supporting revenue goals through their participation and personal outreach with members and allied professionals, fundraising activities and membership recruitment goals.

Diversity: The nominating committee is seeking to build a well-rounded group of directors and officers representing various backgrounds; perspectives and practice areas within AIA Colorado’s architecture profession. AIA Colorado encourages interested applicants from various demographics, ages, locations, practice areas, firm types/sizes and years of practice to apply for consideration.

Responsibilities and Commitments of AIA Colorado Board Members

This overview informs volunteer leaders and all potential board candidates of the unique aspects associated with governing our nonprofit organization. Incorporated in the State of Colorado, AIA Colorado is the statewide chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), which provides members with business and career resources, enables architects to protect and advance their profession through advocacy and supports members’ advancement through all stages of their careers.

Volunteer leaders to the AIA Colorado Board oversee the affairs of the nonprofit and are responsible for setting the direction of the organization—and for ensuring that the organization has sufficient financial and human resources to carry out its strategic direction.

The AIA Colorado board governs, develops policies and sets a course for the future.

Legal principles of nonprofit board service

Duty of Care—requires leaders to use reasonable care and good judgment in making decisions on behalf of the interests of the organization.  Each officer or director is also required to be appropriately informed about the issues requiring consideration and to devote appropriate oversight to the organization’s activities.

Duty of Loyalty—requires leaders to be faithful to the organization, avoiding conflicts of interest.  Puts the interests of AIA Colorado before personal and professional interests when acting on behalf of the board in a decision-making capacity.

Duty of Obedience—requires leaders to ensure that AIA Colorado complies with applicable federal, state and local laws and adheres to the organization’s mission.

Other Essential Board Duties and Responsibilities

As an individual board member of AIA Colorado, officers and directors are expected to:

  • maintain a working knowledge of the affairs, policies and activities of AIA Colorado; and of developing trends, issues, AIA public policies, legislation and regulatory practices impacting the profession and practice of architecture in Colorado
  • actively and enthusiastically advocate, support and enhance the mission and public image of AIA Colorado 
  • prepare for, attend and actively participate in all board of directors’ meetings (estimated four hours; six per year), attend a board orientation and special meetings as necessary
  • serve as appointed liaison to one or more assigned committees. As liaison, you’ll act as a resource and advocate for the committee’s progress and proposals to the board.
  • serve as ambassador to AIA Colorado programs, including but not limited to the annual Practice + Design Conference, Design & Honor Awards Celebration, local connects with members near your home/work and end-of-the year member milestone receptions
  • attend and actively participate in meetings with other allied professional organizations in support of AIA Colorado’s strategic partnerships 
  • fulfill the duties and responsibilities specific to each position

Applicants who are interested in being considered for board or council service by the Nominating committee should return a completed Request for Qualifications (linked here) by October 31, 2024, 11:59 pm.

For more information please contact: 

About the Nominating Committee: 

The Nominating Committee for the AIA Colorado Board of Directors is chaired by the immediate Past-President of AIA Colorado. Additional members are appointed from each local section. The long-term role of this committee is to identify, cultivate and recruit future leaders of AIA Colorado. Specific to the AIA Colorado Board of Directors, the Nominating Committee is responsible for presenting a slate of recommended, qualified candidates to the membership.  After publication of the Nominating Committee’s report, the final ballot will be prepared. In the event of contested elections, a secure online election for members will be conducted to determine the results. 


Terms begin January 1st

In addition to the qualifications, competencies and essential responsibilities as outlined in previous sections, any additional or unique duties for each position are detailed below.  Every elected member to the board of directors is a voting board member responsible for the strategic direction and fiduciary oversight of the organization.  

SECTION DIRECTORS* (2-year term, renewable 1 time)


  • Voting director of the board
  • Work alongside colleagues entrusted with fiduciary responsibility and institutional stewardship. Ensure that the organization stays on course with its purpose as an incorporated not-for-profit and fulfills core member services. 
  • Maintain knowledge of the association’s mission, services, policies and programs and be available to respond to inquiries from local members and the broader membership.
  • Actively gather input, assess and report trends to the board including opportunities and unique needs within the architectural profession and across our geographically diverse state. 
  • Conduct regular and personal outreach with local members in your area between board meetings. 
  • Lead the local section advisory council remaining available to but not directed by co-chairs.
  • Attend and participate in Chapter events to better understand the needs, wants and values of the broader membership. Leverage this information to contribute to annual review and evaluation of Chapter programs— to ensure strategic objectives of AIA Colorado and committee responsibilities are being met.  
  • Attend end-of-calendar year milestone receptions to recognize and celebrate contributions of local members in service to AIA Colorado, their firms and the profession.

Section Director Eligibility: Assigned AIA, Assoc. AIA and Intl. Assoc. AIA members of AIA Colorado in good standing are eligible for nomination for the local section director position. *Members must be located within the local section relative to the seat for which they are running at the time of nomination.  The nominating committee is seeking committed local section director candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of one complete year, with leadership competencies, a passion for the architectural profession, a track record of engagement with professional colleagues, and experience related to serving on a volunteer committee or board of directors. Ideal candidates will bring key relationship-building skills and possess a commitment towards nurturing trust to build a positive and welcoming organizational culture. 

TREASURER (2-year term) 

  • A voting officer of the board
  • Hold charge and exercise general oversight of the financial affairs of AIA Colorado
  • Review bank account and reserve balances, income statements, balance sheets, cash flow projections and other applicable financial reports provided by the Executive Director/CEO
  • Review financial policies and procedures
  • Liaison to AIA Colorado board or program committees as assigned

Treasurer Eligibility:  AIA, Associate AIA and International AIA members assigned to this chapter who are in good standing are eligible to be considered for the position of Treasurer. The nominating committee is seeking committed candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of three consecutive years, with leadership competencies, a passion for the architectural profession, excellent listening skills and attention to detail, good communication skills as the finance ambassador to board and members plus prior experience serving on a volunteer committee or board of directors. Understanding of basic accounting principles and fiscal management is highly desired.


(3 YEARS INCLUDING 2026 President and 2027 Immediate Past President) 

  • A voting officer of the board
  • Must understand all the powers and perform all the duties of the President in the event of the absence of the President or of the President’s disability, refusal, or failure to act and shall perform such other duties as are properly assigned by the Board of Directors or the President 
  • Shadow president in preparation of becoming Chapter leader and spokesperson
  • Represent the association in the absence of the president
  • Carry out special assignments as requested by the president
  • Attend AIA National Business Meeting (held in conjunction with AIA Conference on Architecture) as an alternate voting delegate on behalf of AIA Colorado members. Travel stipend provided to support participation.
  • Attend AIA Leadership Summit to hone volunteer leadership skills; communicate best practices and report current AIA initiatives back to AIA Colorado leaders and membership
  • Trustee of the Architectural Education Foundation
  • Attend meetings of the Big Sib chapters and Large State Components

President-elect Eligibility: AIA, Assoc. AIA and Intl. Assoc. AIA members of AIA Colorado in good standing are eligible to run for the President-Elect position. 

The nominating committee is seeking seasoned and committed president-elect candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of five consecutive years, with demonstrated leadership competencies. Past board service is highly desired including past elected or appointed positions in service to AIA Colorado or other non-profit or community organizations. Ideal candidates will also have a demonstrated track record for exceptional teamwork, collaboration and consensus-development skills; an earned reputation for emotional intelligence, integrity and honesty; and a solid understanding of the factors impacting the practice of architecture combined with a passion and vision for the future of the profession.


PRESIDENT – Scott Rodwin, AIA

  • The President shall perform all duties incident to the office, those required to be performed by law and the Bylaws of this Chapter, and those properly delegated to the office by the Board
  • Work with Executive Vice President/CEO in preparing agenda for board meetings and help guide and mediate actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns
  • Assist Executive Vice President/CEO in conducting new board member orientation
  • Lead and facilitate board meetings by making sure the agenda is followed, that every board member has an opportunity to participate in board discussions, and the board uses proper decision-making procedures
  • Act as AIA Colorado spokesperson and representative with external and partnership meetings with other organizations and committees unless otherwise delegated 
  • Act as and appoint delegates to AIA National Business Meeting (1 per year)
  • Preside over AIA Colorado Annual Business Meeting held in last quarter of calendar yr. 
  • Annual review of Executive Vice President/CEO, with input from board
  • Architectural Education Foundation Trustee
  • Attend Big Sib chapter and Large State component meetings
  • Attends AIA Colorado programs and/or delegates ambassador role to President-elect or other member of the board
  • Prepare president’s message to members on quarterly basis or as scheduled in coordination with staff team
  • May be asked to serve as juror for American Council of Engineering Companies, Associated General Contractors and/or Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) annual awards

PAST PRESIDENT (1-year term) – Julianne Scherer, AIA 

  • Architectural Education Foundation Trustee
  • Carry out special assignments as requested by the president
  • Chair of Nominating Committee 
  • Liaison to AIA Colorado board or program committees as assigned

SECRETARY (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – John Glenn, AIA

  • A voting officer of the board
  • Responsible for accurate recollection of board decisions; list of topics discussed and determination of eligibility to vote/quorum requirements at board and membership meetings–and for ensuring the accuracy of all official board records
  • Act as signatory and witness on certain legal and fiduciary documents of the chapter
  • Ensure proper notice of meetings of the board and/or membership when such notice is required
  • Participate and record proceedings for AIA Colorado annual business meeting (scheduled in last quarter of calendar year)

NORTH SECTION DIRECTOR (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Huili Feng, AIA

See previous description for Section Director

WEST SECTION DIRECTOR (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Andi Korber, AIA

See previous description for Section Director

ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Anna Friedrich, Associate AIA

  • Voting director of the board
  • Liaison to the AIA Colorado Architect Licensing Advisor to serve as conduit to the board of directors on related ARE prep outreach efforts and to report on pertinent updates on NCARB license requirements and/or state regulatory requirements related to licensure
  • Attend national AIA Grassroots leadership conference alternating with National Associates Committee or YAF representative and provide summary report to members. Travel stipend available pending annual budget
  • Directly engage with associate and emerging professional members of AIA Colorado throughout the year to promote involvement in AIA Colorado programs and leadership development opportunities
  • Identify and mentor associate and emerging professional members to grow leadership pipeline; assist in recruiting prospective members



Eligibility: any Associate member in good standing. Must not be licensed in any jurisdiction at the time of their nomination. May become licensed after selection and complete their term.

Working with their state counterparts – the State Associate Director, Young Architect State Representative, AIAS Quad Director, Architect Licensing Advisor, and AIA Strategic Councilor—this role is responsible for gathering information about issues facing Associates within their State and disseminating information about national activities and resources for use at the local level. Of equal importance, serves as a vital link between Associates in their state and the national organization. The individual is the key to vertical communication, connecting Associate leaders at all levels of the Institute. Is also encouraged to work on various issues important to them and their state through the NAC work groups.

They are funded to attend the NAC Annual in-person meeting in the first quarter. Otherwise, they should expect to participate in monthly quarterly committee calls and monthly work group calls. May attend national AIA Leadership Summit alternating with State Associate Director or YAF representative and provide summary report to members. Travel stipend available pending annual budget.


Eligibility: any member in good standing from a firm of ten employees or less at the time of their nomination.

  • Advocate the value of small firms, the national SFx, and local SFx groups, both within the AIA and to the public
  • Curate and disseminate the most pertinent resources and information, from the AIA & elsewhere, that benefit small firms
  • Inform the AIA of current issues facing small firms and areas in which current resources/information are desired
  • Participate in monthly all-calls with the Knowledge Communities and member groups
  • Contribute at least 1 article a month to Flipboard and encourage their network to contribute to the Instagram
  • Distribute Quarterly Newsletter to AIA chapter
  • Offer SFx presentation to chapter and collaborate with SFx Board members to give presentations to members


YOUNG ARCHITECTS FORUM STATE REPRESENTATIVE (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Kaylyn Kirby, AIA

Eligibility: any member in good standing who has been licensed for ten years or less at the time of their nomination.

The Young Architect Regional Director is the primary connection between AIA chapters and the national YAF Advisory Committee (AdCom).

1. The YAF Regional Director will keep communication flowing between these groups by:

  • Maintaining quarterly communication with all YAF chapters within his or her state. -Serve as a conduit between local YAF chapters and the AdCom.
  • Disseminating information to and collecting information from local chapters as requested. -Submitting a state report as requested.
  • Participating in full committee conference calls

2. The YAF State Director contributes to the direction and planning of the YAF by:

  • Participating in the YAF Annual Meeting. 
  • Working with the AdCom on assigned national issues.

3. The YAF State Director is the primary connection at the chapter level to other groups in the AIA by Communicating with their College of Fellows Representative and National Associates Committee Director quarterly about how to work together to support each other’s efforts.

  • Suggesting or encouraging young architects for nomination for state, regional or national awards, positions or committees/subcommittees. Attending AIA Conference on Architecture or Leadership Summit, when possible.

4. Participation in a minimum of one Focus Group led by the AdCom. Funding is dependent on annual budget and fulfillment of duties listed above.

  • Funded to attend the YAF Annual Meeting

STRATEGIC COUNCIL STATE REPRESENTATIVE (1 year remaining in a 3-year term) – Sarah Broughton, FAIA 

Eligibility: any assigned member in good standing.

Councilors serve as links regarding deliberations and actions of the AIA. In that role they inform the Institute as advisors in identifying and developing issues that are most relevant to the profession and society.

The Council will approach its tasks with an emphasis on outward vision, encouragement of diverse viewpoints, strategic leadership, clear understanding of Board, Council and staff roles, an orientation to the future rather than the past or present, and anticipation rather than reaction. In this spirit, the Council will: 1) focus on intended long term effects and outcomes of the Institute’s work, not on the administrative or programmatic means of attaining those effects, 2) be accountable to the membership for competent, conscientious and effective accomplishment of the Council’s obligations as a body, and 3) monitor and regularly discuss the Council’s own process and performance and ensure the continuity of its capability. 

The Council shall act in accordance with the mission and vision of the Institute and provide insight into association and professional issues through the following contributions: 1) representation of the interests of the membership in the matters within its charge, and appropriate communication with members, and 2) fulfillment of its planning role to develop and periodically review a long-range strategic framework, in accordance with the Institute Bylaws. 

Councilors, whose actions support and promote the mission, vision, strategic plan, and policies of the Institute, will: 1) attend all assemblies of the Council, be well prepared, and participate fully, 2) advance the overall interests of the Institute and its members, and serve as a link between the members of their respective constituencies and the Institute by regularly corresponding with the members to seek input on issues and communicate Council actions, 3) take up issues only through the Council acting as a whole, 4) keep all Council deliberations (as contrasted to actions) confidential, 5) accept and support Council decisions once decisions have been made, 6) seek to identify and nurture diverse leadership at all levels of the Institute, and promote capable leaders for important roles, 7) be knowledgeable about the principles and documents that guide the operation of the Council. 

Councilors are expected to attend two regular in-person assemblies of the Council each year. (Subject to Board approval, additional in-person assemblies of the Council may take place.) At its discretion, the Council may also meet by telephone conference call or by webinar.

Applicants who are interested in being considered for board or council service by the Nominating Committee should complete the application on Submittable by October 31, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. MST.

ARE Study Group

Study Group Information

What do you need to reach your ARE goals? Access to study materials? A group of peers studying for the same exam as you? A study schedule with people to help you stay accountable? Someone to help you work through those persistent difficult study questions?

We all have the same goal, so why do it alone?

The J.E.D.I. Committee would like to assist in creating a strong network of people, study materials, accountability, and resources beyond what is offered at individual firms. We’re also interested in knowing where everyone is on their exam journey. 

The committee has established a Google Sheet with test takers’ names, contact information, the exam they’re studying for, the exams they’ve passed, and their location. People can then find others in their area who are studying for the same exam as them – to study together, share resources, share study and testing tips, and much more. 

Please fill out the following form and we’ll add you to the Google Sheet. Then, keep an eye on your inbox for an invite to view the Google Sheet.

Be added to the ARE study group information list

ARE Study Group Information

Please write the date of expected testing or an “X” followed by the date of completion.
Please write the date of expected testing or an “X” followed by the date of completion.
Please write the date of expected testing or an “X” followed by the date of completion.
Please write the date of expected testing or an “X” followed by the date of completion.
Please write the date of expected testing or an “X” followed by the date of completion.
Please write the date of expected testing or an “X” followed by the date of completion.
Okay to contact you?
By selecting Yes, you are allowing members of the AIA Colorado J.E.D.I. committee to contact you regarding ARE study.


The committee is also establishing a Google Sheet with contact information for recently licensed and established architects who are willing to meet with study groups once a month to answer any of their questions and to offer advice and study tips that helped them during their test-taking experience. 

Please fill out the following form and we’ll follow up with additional information.

ARE Study Mentors

Please check the boxes of the exams you are most comfortable answering questions about:
You can select more than 1 exam.
Okay to contact you?
By selecting Yes, you are allowing members of the AIA Colorado J.E.D.I. committee to contact you regarding ARE study.

Additional AIA Colorado Member Resources

Lastly, visit the AIA Colorado exam resource page and reach out to staff regarding a number of study materials available to loan to current AIA members. Contact Advocacy Engagement at to coordinate.

Call for Nominations | 2024 AIA Colorado Board of Directors and AIA National Councils

We are seeking AIA Colorado members to serve on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors and as state representatives to AIA national councils. The AIA Colorado Board provides stewardship of the nonprofit and is responsible for collaboratively setting the direction of the organization through consensus driven governance, policy-making and strategic planning. The national councils are peer group networks who provide insight from our state into their programming and strategy to the national level of the Institute. 

Ideal candidates are AIA members who are strategically minded, service-oriented and capable of identifying and responding to industry trends—to enhance and propel the profession and to help members excel in their areas of practice. 

AIA Colorado is committed to broadening equity, diversity and inclusion to create a stronger profession. Towards that end, the nominating committee will make every attempt to recommend a diverse, strategy-driven and competency-based slate of candidates.

Upcoming vacancies on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors include

  • Associate Director (2-year term)
  • North Section Director (2-year term)
  • West Section Director (2-year term)
  • Secretary (2-year officer term)
  • President-elect: 1-year term as President-elect); succeeds to office of President and Immediate Past President for total of 3 years.

Upcoming vacancies on the AIA National Councils include

  • Strategic Council (3-year term)
  • Small Firm Exchange State Representative (1-year term)
  • Young Architects Forum State Representative (2-year term)

Eligibility: You must be an active member in good standing with AIA Colorado (see eligibility for each open position) and your membership must remain current for the upcoming membership year(s).

All qualified and interested applicants are encouraged to submit during the open application period from October 1– 31, 2023.

Other Volunteer Opportunities: These are by no means the only ways to work on issues important to the organization and gain leadership experience. We encourage you to consider opportunities to volunteer as a member of a task force, committee or knowledge community. Visit the AIA Colorado website to learn about the current lineup. The Call for Interest to serve on a committee or task force will be published in November. AIA Colorado also offers excellent leadership development programs for members who wish to build their professional portfolios.

Please review the competencies sought, responsibilities, commitments, and position descriptions before applying for consideration to serve on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors and AIA National Councils. 

Critical Competencies Sought

Strategic Visioning and Direction Setting: Board members must possess the ability to analyze events, perceive trends and respond to industry trends, anticipate changes and recognize threats and opportunities impacting the profession. They also need a strategic orientation that helps guide AIA Colorado’s future direction.

Team Orientation: The AIA Colorado board is comprised of a group of individuals working together to fulfill governance roles and responsibilities. This team-work orientation includes an ability to listen to and synthesize multiple perspectives, leading to a cohesive and unified strategy. Board members must be able to support and prioritize organizational goals rather than individual desires.  

Communication and Relationship Building: Board members should be effective communicators who are capable of building relationships with individuals both on and off the board, to build a positive climate of trust, openness, shared knowledge and passion for the work of AIA Colorado.  Those with already established connections in the profession and across the industry are also highly desired.

Personal Commitment and Capacity:  Commitment to the organizational work of AIA Colorado is an important quality for all board members. Board members must also have the time and capacity to fully engage in governing the organization, and to openly acknowledge when issues might lead to a conflict of interest.

Business Mindset and Experience: Interested candidates should understand the role of a board member in the governance of a nonprofit organization, including setting the strategic direction; publicly supporting the organization’s mission, vision and goals; and fiduciary and legal oversight. The AIA Colorado Board of Directors oversees a $1.5 million annual budget plus reserves. Candidates should be familiar with budgeting processes and understand how to read financial reports. They should also be committed to supporting revenue goals through their participation and personal outreach with members and allied professionals, fundraising activities and membership recruitment goals.

Diversity: The nominating committee is seeking to build a well-rounded group of directors and officers representing various backgrounds, perspectives and practice areas within AIA Colorado’s architecture profession. AIA Colorado encourages interested applicants from various demographics, ages, locations, practice areas, firm types/sizes and years of practice to apply for consideration.

Responsibilities and Commitments of AIA Colorado Board Members

This overview informs volunteer leaders and all potential board candidates of the unique aspects associated with governing our nonprofit organization. Incorporated in the State of Colorado, AIA Colorado is the statewide chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), which provides members with business and career resources, enables architects to protect and advance their profession through advocacy and supports members’ advancement through all stages of their careers.

Volunteer leaders to the AIA Colorado Board oversee the affairs of the nonprofit and are responsible for setting the direction of the organization—and for ensuring that the organization has sufficient financial and human resources to carry out its strategic direction.

The AIA Colorado board governs, develops policies, and sets a course for the future.

Legal principles of nonprofit board service

Duty of Care—requires leaders to use reasonable care and good judgment in making decisions on behalf of the interests of the organization.  Each officer or director is also required to be appropriately informed about the issues requiring consideration and to devote appropriate oversight to the organization’s activities.

Duty of Loyalty—requires leaders to be faithful to the organization, avoiding conflicts of interest.  Puts the interests of AIA Colorado before personal and professional interests when acting on behalf of the board in a decision-making capacity.

Duty of Obedience—requires leaders to ensure that AIA Colorado complies with applicable federal, state and local laws and adheres to the organization’s mission.

Other Essential Board Duties and Responsibilities
As an individual board member of AIA Colorado, officers and directors are expected to:

  • maintain a working knowledge of the affairs, policies and activities of AIA Colorado; and of developing trends, issues, AIA public policies, legislation and regulatory practices impacting the profession and practice of architecture in Colorado
  • actively and enthusiastically advocate, support and enhance the mission and public image of AIA Colorado 
  • prepare for, attend and actively participate in all board of directors’ meetings (estimated four hours; six per year), attend a board orientation and special meetings as necessary
  • serve as appointed liaison to one or more assigned committees. As liaison, you’ll act as a resource and advocate for the committee’s progress and proposals to the board.
  • serve as ambassador to AIA Colorado programs, including but not limited to the annual Practice + Design Conference, Design & Honor Awards Celebration, local connects with members near your home/work and end-of-the year member milestone receptions
  • attend and actively participate in meetings with other allied professional organizations in support of AIA Colorado’s strategic partnerships 
  • fulfill the duties and responsibilities specific to each position

Applicants who are interested in being considered for board or council service by the Nominating committee should return a completed Request for Qualifications (linked here) by October 31, 2023, 11:59 pm.

For more information please contact: 

About the Nominating Committee: 

The Nominating Committee for the AIA Colorado Board of Directors is chaired by the immediate Past-President of AIA Colorado. Additional members are appointed from each local section. The long-term role of this committee is to identify, cultivate and recruit future leaders of AIA Colorado. Specific to the AIA Colorado Board of Directors, the Nominating Committee is responsible for presenting a slate of recommended, qualified candidates to the membership.  After publication of the Nominating Committee’s report, the final ballot will be prepared. In the event of contested elections, a secure online election for members will be conducted to determine the results.


Terms begin January 1st

In addition to the qualifications, competencies and essential responsibilities as outlined in previous sections, any additional or unique duties for each position are detailed below.  Every elected member to the board of directors is a voting board member responsible for the strategic direction and fiduciary oversight of the organization.  


  • Voting director of the board
  • Liaison to the AIA Colorado Architect Licensing Advisor to serve as conduit to the board of directors on related ARE prep outreach efforts and to report on pertinent updates on NCARB license requirements and/or state regulatory requirements related to licensure.
  • Attend national AIA Grassroots leadership conference alternating with National Associates Committee or YAF representative and provide summary report to members. Travel stipend available pending annual budget.
  • Directly engage with associate and emerging professional members of AIA Colorado throughout the year to promote involvement in AIA Colorado programs and leadership development opportunities.
  • Identify and mentor associate and emerging professional members to grow leadership pipeline; assist in recruiting prospective members.

Associate Director Eligibility: Assigned Assoc. AIA members of AIA Colorado in good standing are eligible for nomination for the associate director position. *Members must not be licensed at the time at the time of nomination but may become licensed in the course of their term and continue to serve.  The nominating committee is seeking committed associate director candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of one complete year, with leadership competencies, a passion for the architectural profession, a track record of engagement with professional colleagues, and experience related to serving on a volunteer committee or board of directors. Ideal candidates will bring key relationship-building skills and possess a commitment towards nurturing trust to build a positive and welcoming organizational culture. 

SECTION DIRECTORS* (2-year term, renewable 1 time)


  • Voting director of the board
  • Work alongside colleagues entrusted with fiduciary responsibility and institutional stewardship. Ensure that the organization stays on course with its purpose as an incorporated not-for-profit and fulfills core member services. 
  • Maintain knowledge of the association’s mission, services, policies and programs and be available to respond to inquiries from local members and the broader membership.
  • Actively gather input, assess and report trends to the board including opportunities and unique needs within the architectural profession and across our geographically diverse state. 
  • Conduct regular and personal outreach with local members in your area between board meetings. 
  • Lead the local section advisory council remaining available to but not directed by co-chairs.
  • Attend and participate in Chapter events to better understand the needs, wants and values of the broader membership. Leverage this information to contribute to annual review and evaluation of Chapter programs— to ensure strategic objectives of AIA Colorado and committee responsibilities are being met.  
  • Attend end-of-calendar year milestone receptions to recognize and celebrate contributions of local members in service to AIA Colorado, their firms and the profession

Section Director Eligibility: Assigned AIA, Assoc. AIA and Intl. Assoc. AIA members of AIA Colorado in good standing are eligible for nomination for the local section director position. *Members must be located within the local section relative to the seat for which they are running at the time of nomination.  The nominating committee is seeking committed local section director candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of one complete year, with leadership competencies, a passion for the architectural profession, a track record of engagement with professional colleagues, and experience related to serving on a volunteer committee or board of directors. Ideal candidates will bring key relationship-building skills and possess a commitment towards nurturing trust to build a positive and welcoming organizational culture. 

SECRETARY (2-year term) 

  • A voting officer of the board
  • Responsible for accurate recollection of board decisions; list of topics discussed and determination of eligibility to vote/quorum requirements at board and membership meetings–and for ensuring the accuracy of all official board records.
  • Act as signatory and witness on certain legal and fiduciary documents of the chapter
  • Ensure proper notice of meetings of the board and/or membership when such notice is required.
  • Participate and record proceedings for AIA Colorado annual business meeting (scheduled in last quarter of calendar year)

Secretary Eligibility:  AIA, Associate AIA and International AIA members assigned to this chapter who are in good standing are eligible to be considered for the position of Treasurer. The nominating committee is seeking committed candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of three consecutive years, with leadership competencies, a passion for the architectural profession, excellent listening skills and attention to detail, good communication skills and prior experience serving on a volunteer committee or board of directors.


(3 YEARS INCLUDING 2025 President and 2026 Immediate Past President) 

  • A voting officer of the board
  • Must understand all the powers and perform all the duties of the President in the event of the absence of the President or of the President’s disability, refusal, or failure to act and shall perform such other duties as are properly assigned by the Board of Directors or the President 
  • Shadow president in preparation of becoming Chapter leader and spokesperson
  • Represent the association in the absence of the president
  • Carry out special assignments as requested by the president
  • Attend AIA National Business Meeting (held in conjunction with AIA Conference on Architecture) as a voting delegate on behalf of AIA Colorado members. Travel stipend provided to support participation.
  • Attend AIA Grassroots Leadership Conference to hone volunteer leadership skills; communicate best practices and report current AIA initiatives back to AIA Colorado leaders and membership
  • Trustee of the Architectural Education Foundation
  • Attend meetings of Design/Construct Coalition of Colorado (quarterly meeting/call with Associated General Contractors (AGC), American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) and AIA Colorado 

President-elect Eligibility: AIA, Assoc. AIA and Intl. Assoc. AIA members of AIA Colorado in good standing are eligible to run for the President-Elect position. 

The nominating committee is seeking seasoned and committed president-elect candidates who have been AIA Colorado members a minimum of five consecutive years, with demonstrated leadership competencies. Past board service is highly desired including past elected or appointed positions in service to AIA Colorado or other non-profit or community organizations. Ideal candidates will also have a demonstrated track record for exceptional teamwork, collaboration and consensus-development skills; an earned reputation for emotional intelligence, integrity and honesty; and a solid understanding of the factors impacting the practice of architecture combined with a passion and vision for the future of the profession.


PRESIDENT – Julianne Scherer, AIA

  • The President shall perform all duties incident to the office, those required to be performed by law and the Bylaws of this Chapter, and those properly delegated to the office by the Board
  • Work with Executive Vice President/CEO in preparing agenda for board meetings and help guide and mediate actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns
  • Assist Executive Vice President/CEO in conducting new board member orientation
  • Lead and facilitate board meetings by making sure the agenda is followed, that every board member has an opportunity to participate in board discussions, and the board uses proper decision-making procedures
  • Act as AIA Colorado spokesperson and representative with external and partnership meetings with other organizations and committees unless otherwise delegated 
  • Act as and appoint delegates to AIA National Business Meetings (1 per year)
  • Preside over AIA Colorado Annual Business Meeting held in last quarter of calendar yr. 
  • Annual review of Executive Vice President/CEO, with input from board
  • Architectural Education Foundation Trustee
  • Attend Design/Construct Coalition (quarterly meeting/call with AGC, AIA, ACEC)
  • Attends AIA Colorado programs and/or delegates ambassador role to President-elect or other member of the board
  • Prepare president’s message to members on quarterly basis or as scheduled in coordination with staff team
  • May be asked to serve as juror for American Council of Engineering Companies, Associated General Contractors and/or Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) annual awards

PAST PRESIDENT (1-year term) – Sarah Broughton, FAIA 

  • Architectural Education Foundation Trustee
  • Carry out special assignments as requested by the president
  • Chair of Nominating Committee 
  • Liaison to AIA Colorado board or program committees as assigned

TREASURER (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Jim Childs, AIA

  • A voting officer of the board
  • Hold charge and exercise general of the financial affairs of AIA Colorado
  • Review bank account and reserve balances, income statements, balance sheets, cash flow projections and other applicable financial reports provided by the Executive Director/CEO
  • Review financial policies and procedures
  • Liaison to AIA Colorado board or program committees as assigned

DENVER SECTION DIRECTOR (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Andy Rockmore, AIA

See previous description for Section Director

SOUTH SECTION DIRECTOR (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Joey Bahnsen, AIA

See previous description for Section Director



Eligibility: any assigned member in good standing.

Councilors serve as links regarding deliberations and actions of the AIA. In that role they inform the Institute as advisors in identifying and developing issues that are most relevant to the profession and society.

The Council will approach its tasks with an emphasis on outward vision, encouragement of diverse viewpoints, strategic leadership, clear understanding of Board, Council and staff roles, an orientation to the future rather than the past or present, and anticipation rather than reaction. In this spirit, the Council will: 1) focus on intended long term effects and outcomes of the Institute’s work, not on the administrative or programmatic means of attaining those effects, 2) be accountable to the membership for competent, conscientious and effective accomplishment of the Council’s obligations as a body, and 3) monitor and regularly discuss the Council’s own process and performance and ensure the continuity of its capability. 

The Council shall act in accordance with the mission and vision of the Institute and provide insight into association and professional issues through the following contributions: 1) representation of the interests of the membership in the matters within its charge, and appropriate communication with members, and 2) fulfillment of its planning role to develop and periodically review a long-range strategic framework, in accordance with the Institute Bylaws. 

Councilors, whose actions support and promote the mission, vision, strategic plan, and policies of the Institute, will: 1) attend all assemblies of the Council, be well prepared, and participate fully, 2) advance the overall interests of the Institute and its members, and serve as a link between the members of their respective constituencies and the Institute by regularly corresponding with the members to seek input on issues and communicate Council actions, 3) take up issues only through the Council acting as a whole, 4) keep all Council deliberations (as contrasted to actions) confidential, 5) accept and support Council decisions once decisions have been made, 6) seek to identify and nurture diverse leadership at all levels of the Institute, and promote capable leaders for important roles, 7) be knowledgeable about the principles and documents that guide the operation of the Council. 

Councilors are expected to attend two regular in-person assemblies of the Council each year. (Subject to Board approval, additional in-person assemblies of the Council may take place.) At its discretion, the Council may also meet by telephone conference call or by webinar.


Eligibility: any member in good standing from a firm of ten employees or less at the time of their nomination.

  • Advocate the value of small firms, the national SFx, and local SFx groups, both within the AIA and to the public
  • Curate and disseminate the most pertinent resources and information, from the AIA & elsewhere, that benefit small firms
  • Inform the AIA of current issues facing small firms and areas in which current resources/information are desired
  • Participate in monthly all-calls with the Knowledge Communities and member groups
  • Contribute at least 1 article a month to Flipboard and encourage their network to contribute to the Instagram
  • Distribute Quarterly Newsletter to AIA chapter
  • Offer SFx presentation to chapter and collaborate with SFx Board members to give presentations to members


Eligibility: any member in good standing who has been licensed for ten years or less at the time of their nomination.

The Young Architect Regional Director is the primary connection between AIA chapters and the national YAF Advisory Committee (AdCom).

1. The YAF Regional Director will keep communication flowing between these groups by:

  • Maintaining quarterly communication with all YAF chapters within his or her state. -Serve as a conduit between local YAF chapters and the AdCom.
  • Disseminating information to and collecting information from local chapters as requested. -Submitting a state report as requested.
  • Participating in full committee conference calls

2. The YAF State Director contributes to the direction and planning of the YAF by:

  • Participating in the YAF Annual Meeting. 
  • Working with the AdCom on assigned national issues.

3. The YAF State Director is the primary connection at the chapter level to other groups in the AIA by Communicating with their College of Fellows Representative and National Associates Committee Director quarterly about how to work together to support each other’s efforts.

  • Suggesting or encouraging young architects for nomination for state, regional or national awards, positions or committees/subcommittees. Attending AIA Conference on Architecture or Grassroots, when possible.

4. Participation in a minimum of one Focus Group led by the AdCom. Funding is dependent on annual budget and fulfillment of duties listed above.

  • Funded to attend the YAF Annual Meeting


NATIONAL ASSOCIATES COMMITTEE STATE REPRESENTATIVE (1 year remaining in a 2-year term) – Kari Lawson, AIA

Eligibility: any Associate member in good standing. Must not be licensed in any jurisdiction at the time of their nomination. May become licensed after selection and complete their term.

Working with their state counterparts – the State Associate Director, Young Architect State Representative, AIAS Quad Director, Architect Licensing Advisor, and AIA Strategic Councilor—this role is responsible for gathering information about issues facing Associates within their State and disseminating information about national activities and resources for use at the local level. Of equal importance, serves as a vital link between Associates in their state and the national organization. The individual is the key to vertical communication, connecting Associate leaders at all levels of the Institute. Is also encouraged to work on various issues important to them and their state through the NAC work groups.

They are funded to attend the NAC Annual in-person meeting in the first quarter. Otherwise, they should expect to participate in monthly quarterly committee calls and monthly work group calls. May attend national AIA Grassroots leadership conference alternating with State Associate Director or YAF representative and provide summary report to members. Travel stipend available pending annual budget.

AIA Colorado National Representatives – Spring 2023

Sarah Broughton, FAIA, AIA Colorado President

Next week, I am attending the national conference on
architecture in San Francisco. As president, it is
humbling to represent all of our members in votes for
national officers, bylaws and resolutions at the annual
business meeting. I welcome your thoughts on the
candidates and issues. It is also inspiring to see so
many peers leading the profession as presenters,
award winners and new Fellows. For those also going
to the conference, we hope you can join us for
Colorado night – RSVP here.

One annual gathering does not come close to showing
the work. Did you know we have many Colorado
colleagues serving in national roles on your behalf?
Please take a moment to get to know these amazing
volunteers who I’ve asked to share their favorite
resource that their role has helped develop for the

National Architect Licensing Advisor

Kahyun Lee, AIA, National Architect Licensing Advisor, Fentress, Denver

Along with Mara Song, AIA, we want licensure candidates and architects to have access to every tool they need to navigate the path to licensure and reciprocity – and one of those is the community of Architect Licensing Advisors. Architect licensing advisors are local professionals, educators, and students who volunteer their time to help others pursue licensure and reciprocity. These volunteers often provide candidates with their first glimpse into the licensure process, lending help and guidance along the way.

  • We have helped 10 candidates so far in 2023. 3 of them are internationals (including foreign architects and candidates with foreign degrees).
  • Session at CU Boulder on 2/24, licensure
    pathways and basics
  • Session at CU Denver on 4/17, licensure
    pathways and basics

National Associates Committee

Kari Lawson, AIA, National Associate Committee, State/Territory Associate Representative, HDR Inc,

National Associate Committee (NAC) meets quarterly to discuss key topics that impact associates. There are 5 workgroups organized to assist with advocating on the behalf of associates: Advocacy, Strategic Partnership, VALUE, Knowledge: Professional Development, and Turquoise Agenda.

Our Q2 call focused on: Licensure (the ARE, Stop the Clock), Associate Resources & Engagement, Equity (Barriers, Pay, Work-Life Balance), Networking (Visibility & Awareness), and Mentorship.

As a team member of the Strategic Partnership NAC work group, our mission is to amplify visibility of the NAC by providing a clear framework to raise associate member awareness and provide a repository of information to leverage leadership opportunities. The Advocacy Work Group recently completed a research sprint of the specific jurisdictional impediments blocking the full adoption of NCARB’s newest score validity policy. See the presentation deck that provides in-depth information for jurisdictions with regulatory or statutory impediments.

Here are several A’23 Sessions featuring NAC Members or Topics:

AIA Small Firm Exchange (SFx)

Emily Adams, AIA, Small Firm Exchange Representative, Neoera, Inc. Denver

The mission of the AIA Small Firm Exchange (SFx) is to advance the mutual interests of architects practicing in small firms. As more than 75% of all firms within the AIA are small firms, including my own, I’m invested in finding ways to leverage that size for collaboration and influence, just like the individual large firms do. Additionally, as a member of the AIA Colorado Business of Architecture Knowledge Community, I’ve been focusing more internal effort on understanding when/how to hire talent into small firms.

To learn more about the work of the Small Firm Exchange (SFx), visit here. If you’re planning to attend A’23, here’s the SFx picks we think you should check out.

State Disaster Assistance

Brett Hartle, AIA, Colorado State Disaster Assistance Coordinator, Director of Design – Denver International Airport, Denver

Brett acts as AIA Colorado’s liaison/primary point of contact with other State Disaster Assistance Coordinators across the United States and AIA National Office. Additionally, Brett is certified by Cal OES as a Safety Assessment Program (SAP) Evaluator.

Home Innovation Research Labs (Home Innovation) was tasked by HUD to develop a set of practical, actionable guidelines to assist builders and developers in designing and constructing residential buildings, neighborhoods, and accessory structures in a manner that could improve residential resilience to natural hazards and integrate resiliency throughout the community. The resilience guides provide technical content in a straightforward way that is easy for a layperson to understand, while also providing references through which design professionals, builders, developers, and public officials can obtain full details. The guide consists of five volumes. Each volume focuses on a major category of hazard that may pertain to a given project: wind, water, fire, earth (seismic, earthslides, sinkholes), and auxiliary (other hazards such as volcanoes, hail, and temperature extremes). These resilience guides are not intended to substitute for engineering or architectural project design work; rather, the technical guidance identifies components that can be enhanced or improved to achieve above code performance to make residential buildings and other community assets more resilient.

View Designing for Natural Hazards Series Volumes 1 – 5

AIA Strategic Council

Zachary Taylor, AIA, Strategic Council Representative, Taylor Architecture Design, Colorado Springs

The AIA Strategic Council, formed in 2015 from the national repositioning, has changed in the last two years as Councilors were previously chosen at the Region level to serve the membership. With the dissolution of the regions, states now have direct representation on the Strategic Council. It has been my privilege to serve as the first AIA CO representative to the Council.

The Strategic Council is charged to be the forward-looking body within the AIA that informs the national Board of Directors of important issues relevant to the profession through the lens of the Strategic Plan’s core values, imperatives, and strategies. More information about the Strategic Council can be found here.

This year the Council is focusing on five areas of study: Carbon, Design, Economy, Equity, and Health Wellness. Personally, I have been involved with the Carbon Study Group where we’ve been diving into the topic of “Climate-Positive Practice”. We are building on past Council work/reports of Scalable Climate Action and Carbon Literacy (both of which can be found at the link above). I’d like to thank Rodwin Architecture, Fentress Architects, and Shape Architecture for allowing me to pick the brains of their team members on how they’re currently pushing this topic forward within their practices.

AIA Young Architect Forum

Kaylyn Kirby, AIA, Young Architect Forum Representative, Semple Brown Design, PC, Denver

As the Young Architect Rep for CO, I represent the state at the National level within the Young Architects Forum. The YAF is the voice of recently licensed architects (licensed less than 10 years) and a catalyst for progress within the Institute. The 2023-2027 Strategic Initiative is: Architects in Action, Catalyzing for Change. The group meets as a full committee as well as is organized into Focus Groups, which allow us to provide more focused attention on certain initiatives. The 2023 focus groups include: Communications, Community, Advocacy, Knowledge, Strategic Vision, and Special Projects.

Available Resources:

AIA College of Fellows

Gregory M. Friesen, FAIA, AIA College of Fellows Western Mountain Region (COF WMR) Representative Member, CSNA Architects, Colorado Springs Colorado, Springboard Preservation Studio, Colorado Springs | Montrose

Although AIA National no longer recognizes it, the College of Fellows retains the Western Mountain Region and considers it to be vital. The seven-state Region includes Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. There are 184 Fellows in the Western Mountain Region, which is 5% of all AIA Fellows.

There are two Regional Representatives – Jonathan Sparer, FAIA Las Vegas Nevada, and Gregory M. Friesen, FAIA Colorado Springs Colorado. In addition to the Regional Representatives, there are State representatives:
Jack DeBartolo, FAIA – Arizona with 62 Fellows
Glen Berry FAIA, – Idaho with 3 Fellows
Jonathan Sparer, FAIA – Nevada with 16 Fellows
Glenn Fellows, FAIA – New Mexico with 25 Fellows
Roger Jackson, FAIA – Utah with 23 Fellows
John Carney, FAIA – Wyoming with 4 Fellows
Currently Colorado – with 70 Fellows – does not have an official representative; I am
serving in that role de facto.

The COF WMR Representatives meet monthly. At our last meeting, we agreed to form a COF WMR Fellows Committee to promote candidates for Fellowship within the Region, and to review and strengthen their submittals to the AIA College of Fellows Jury.

Past Presidents Gathering

The presidency is a “milestone moment” in each one’s career and many of us are at the point where the perspective of time distills the service down to the essence of what lasts.

Wells Squier, AIA

Wells Squier, AIA, AIA Colorado President 2022, gathered the past presidents for a time to reminisce as well as share in the future direction of the organization. Held at rowland & broughton last week, stories were shared by all and there are plans to make this gathering a new annual tradition.

Listed from Left to Right and the year they served as President:

  • Phil Gerou, FAIA 1986
  • Wells Squier, AIA 2022
  • Zachary Taylor, AIA 2019
  • Ron Abo, FAIA 1998
  • Kevin Eronimous, AIA 2014
  • Cheri Gerou, FAIA 2006
  • Curt Fentress, FAIA 1993
  • Marvin Sparn, FAIA 1991
  • Julianne Scherer, AIA 2024
  • Sarah Broughton, FAIA 2023
  • Steve Loos, FAIA 2000

Not Pictured:

  • Kin DuBois, FAIA 2007
  • Adam Harding, AIA 2020
  • Mary Morissette, FAIA 2010
AIA_Colorado_Past_Presidents_2 |
AIA_Colorado_Past_Presidents_3 |

Webinar Recap: Magic in the Middle

AIA Colorado resumed its online webinar series with the recent webinar, “Magic in the Middle: Fostering Mid-Career Talent,” covering: 1) architectural leadership development, 2) emerging talent retention, and 3) tips on how to navigate one’s architectural career. 

The AIA Colorado Business of Architecture Knowledge Community fostered the conversation about engaging the talent in mid-career architects and how firms benefit from transparent firm goal setting and career mapping.

No matter where one is at in their career, this information is invaluable. Every firm is most likely having these conversations—for the past several years. The workforce template became very fluid after COVID, with expanded virtual work-from-home or work digitally from another region in our state, nation, or world.  

All options are on the table. The Great Resignation could be something else—a realignment or recommitment in a firm. Leadership, communication, and opportunities unpack the way ahead, and AIA Colorado is with you every step of the way to ensure you and your firm have the resources to advance your leadership goals.

The webinar featured insights from the following panelists:

  • Joy Spatz, AIA, Director of Interiors, MOA Architecture, Denver
  • Sarah Broughton, FAIA, Principal, Rowland + Broughton Architecture / Urban Design / Interior Design, and AIA Colorado President-Elect
  • Adam Harding, AIA, Partner, Roth Sheppard Architects, 2021 AIA Young Architects Award Recipient
  • Host: Amanda Christianson, AIA, Chair of the AIA Colorado Business of Architecture Knowledge Committee and Director of Architecture with Work Shop – Colorado.
  • Moderator: Francesca Zucchi, AIA, member of the AIA Colorado Business of Architecture Knowledge Committee, 2022 CKLDP Scholar, and architect with Semple Brown Design

Following are takeaways by topic from the Magic in the Middle webinar:

Leadership Development 

Panelists recommended using internal and external assets to provide a diversified approach to leadership development. PSMJ A/E/C Training was highly recommended as an external source, while in-house training should focus on mentorship and the business of architecture (marketing, law, insurance, and communications, etc.). Vary the dynamics with group and 1-to-1 discussions, both informal and formal. Level up your team! These training tactics will change the way a new architect designer approaches architecture.  

Be a Mid-Career Firm Leader

As Broughton said, “Get curious! Ask questions of leaders who make decisions.” Map out a career based on these conversations and remember that there’s no one correct approach. Lean on your firm’s values and legacy, while embracing authenticity. Be yourself! Do not expect to be fast-tracked by leadership or tapped on the shoulder. Show initiative and be patient, yet persistent. Share short- and long-term career goals with leadership. Serve in others’ organizations, as well.” AIA Colorado is a wonderful place to start serving and building a network to assist in career understanding and mapping.

Professional Traits that Stand Out

Sage advice according to Spatz: “Look out for others. Give your time to help one another’s achievements. Celebrate the success of another individuals.” Understand the me vs. we principle. The long road is the collective, i.e., “we!” brings people together. Foster community and culture in your firm. Develop the knowledge of who you are. Understand who others are, as well. This confidence of understanding oneself and others will help down the road.     

Checking on Growth

“Set goals that are measurable on a quarterly and yearly basis,” said Harding. “Check these metrics often, and have smaller goals to reach big, audacious goals.” Share your goal with leaders. Don’t rely on your firm to track your goals. And bring those goals into reviews. Broughton echoed, “We all need each other right now. It is perfect timing for this conversation. The world is moving really fast.” In this environment, consider what two items need to be removed from someone’s plate.

Balance Career and Talent Retention

AIA Colorado CEO Mike Waldinger started this conversation, “The move up or move out mentality begins early in the career of architects.” Said Harding, “Leaders: Have conversations with employees and discuss goals and needs. Be your advocate.” 

Most businesses are changing, but leadership will carry your firm through its ups and downs. Is your baton ready to pass?

As Waldinger closed, “Anyone who has an interest or current role in organizational leadership needs to be an organizational anthropologist. A firm’s identity is made up of two matched pairs of attributes: market presence and production capability. These are the table stakes.” He continued, “What separates the really great firms is pairing with cultural ethos and architect models. Whether you intend to set those architect models or not, they will be there in a firm.”

AIA Colorado shares your purpose and continues to educate and inform its members to build a better community, membership and firm.

An Intro to the Christopher Kelley Leadership Development Program

Mentorship and professional development with emerging professionals is invaluable—a must. AIA Colorado is grateful to provide its emerging professionals a pathway in career development while honoring the legacy and contributions of the late Christopher Shawn Kelley, AIA, a Washington, D.C.-area rising star who passed away suddenly in 2012.

The Christopher Kelley Leadership Development Program (CKLDP) started in Washington, D.C. in 2013 and expanded to Colorado in 2016 by way of AIA Colorado President Rachael Johnson, AIA. Johnson is a CKLDP founding member and a scholar of the 2014-15 D.C. class. She saw, firsthand, the benefits for members and architectural firms. With great vision, Johnson influenced AIA Colorado to be the first expansion location for the CKLDP.

In 2021, 16 emerging professionals were selected as CKLDP Scholars. An emerging professional is defined as someone who has graduated from college with an architecture degree and is not yet licensed or within 10 years of receiving their professional license.

Apply soon if you meet the aforementioned criteria and want to expand your architectural horizon in 2022. Applications are due by December 6, and a detailed application timeline is below.

CKLDP applicants need to submit four different items: 1) a written application, 2) a recommendation, 3) your resume, and 4) a short-answer form. A fifth item, the Tuition Assistance Form, is optional.

A unique and fun aspect of each year is every class of scholars collaborates and plans out the details for their upcoming schedule. Speakers, topics, and locations are defined by the scholars themselves. This tailored approach makes this year a win-win for each individual class.

During this webinar, recent scholars shared takeaways from this past year’s CKLDP (see below). Of course, COVID made an impact, but this class was steadfast and adaptive. AIA Colorado CEO Mike Waldinger said, “This class was inspiring at what was learned and how to head forward thanks to their resilience.”

What should upcoming CKLDP Scholars expect?

  • A diverse, quaint environment enriched for learning.
  • Learn from industry leaders in architecture and other career sectors.
  • Gain lifelong friends.
  • Grow and be challenged.
  • Discuss latest architectural trends.
  • Become a better architect and understand business/leadership.

What 2021 session topics were noteworthy?

  • Justice, equity, diversity, and inclusiveness: getting out of one’s comfort zone and learning from others.
  • Contracts and negotiation: very timely topic that can be scary, yet very important to an architect.
  • Environmental threat analysis software: view upcoming challenges and how to establish mitigation protocols.
  • National/International Architects: Moshe Safdie, Peter Gluck, Grace Kim, Jonathan Segal, Enoch Sears and Jaron Lubin.

For those emerging professionals, please consider applying for this distinct professional development program. Understand the application process and the important dates below. Let’s honor Christopher Kelley by learning from each other as we design buildings for a better Colorado.

2023 Application Timeline / Schedule

  • Applications Open: November 16, 2022
  • Applications Due: December 11, 2022
  • Bootcamp Session: January 2023

For more information or questions, please contact CKLDP Chair Leah Gordon, AIA.

Webinar Recap: Becoming an Architect

What are the paths toward being a licensed architect? It’s one of the most important professions in our nation and state. While Coloradoans love the outdoors in every sense, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs places shelter, as a base foundation to our existence along with food, air, and water. Architects are essential to life, yet how does one become an architect and help others survive and thrive in safety and prosperity?

During a recent AIA Colorado webinar, AIA Colorado Licensing Advisors Avik Ghua, AIA and Erik Okland, AIA, shared insights and avenues toward licensure. Following are just a few of the highlights, and you can view the AIA Colorado YouTube channel for the full recording.

  1. Four Steps. According to the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), there are four major steps to obtain a license: 1) Education, 2) Experience, 3) Examination, and 4) Licensure and Certification. Education and experience can have various paths, so make sure the exact requirements are understood to best meet your timeline and personal and professional environment.
  2. Official agencies. The official organizations need to be understood: The NCARB, in collaboration with jurisdictions or state and territory licensing boards, facilitates the licensure and credentialing of architects to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. The State of Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) manages licensing and registration for multiple professions, including architects. The NCARB website lists by state the individual state requirements and alternate options for licensure.
  3. Timeline. Taking a look at the timeline, the NCARB’s utmost mission is the safety of occupants in the building designed and stamped by licensed architects. Similar to doctors and dentists, this process is lengthy and demanding, yet doable. The average time from start to finish is about 13 years. The reward of licensure is worth the grit, grind, and wait, and AIA Colorado is here for its members in every step of the process. For those seeking to concurrently fast track the education, experience, and exam, the Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure (IPAL) is a viable option.
  4. Education Paths. Accredited universities are a recommended path for education; however, non-accredited programs work as well for the State of Colorado. Check the National Architectural Accrediting Board for nationwide programs. The University of Colorado, Denver is on the accredited list, while other degree options and non-degree options are available in Colorado. The University of Colorado, Boulder meets alternative program criteria with its Environmental Design Degree. An encouraging trend is that diversity is improving; nearly half of the architectural school graduates are women.
  5. Experience (AXP). An important and necessary component of this process is gaining real-world experience alongside a licensed architect. Based on previous data, plan for about five years to finish this Architectural Experience Program (AXP). The experience areas include practice and project management, programming and analysis, project planning and design, project development and documentation and construction/evaluation. The total number of experience hours fluctuates from your degree type, including no degree for the State of Colorado.
  6. Examination (ARE). This is a six-part exam. Average exam-taking time is two years. Be prepared. You can do this! Find a mentor—AIA Colorado is here to help. The six exam divisions mirror the AXP experience areas, and the State of Colorado DORA will approve your eligibility to take the exam. Candidates can retake a division after 60 days and a maximum of three times a year. The exam can be taken at home, at a Prometric location, or a combination of both home and site. Candidates need to ensure their test areas and computers meet requirements. A free 30-minute pre-exam trial appointment is available to verify your computer and testing area at home meet requirements.

And finally, just to reinforce AIA Colorado’s commitment to you in this amazing journey, CEO Mike Waldinger said, “Don’t go it alone. We are here to help you find a mentor to gain another perspective and help you in the process.”

Licensure Stats for Colorado  

  • Experience: 132 completions out of 657 candidates reporting hours at a 20 percent completion rate.
  • Examination: 38 completions out of 638 active testers. 1,033 divisions taken at a 48 percent success rate.
  • Timeline: AXP is 4.7 years. ARE is 2.3 years.
  • Licensure: 7,804 total licenses


Becoming an Architect: AXP, ARE, and Colorado Licensure

Emerging from the Storm

© AIA Colorado 2025
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